On march 15 had surgery, I am on full liquids?

Yes I am on full liquids and I am eating the popsicles, jello, broth and I am still hungry what else can you eat on your two week surgery date?    — betty B. (posted on March 23, 2004)

March 23, 2004
For my program, during the full liquid stage I could have milk (if tolerated), creamed soups (watch sugar content though), sugar free pudding, protein drinks/shakes, etc. What you are eating now are clear liquids which I had to do for 2 weeks after surgery before moving to the full liquids.
   — Carolyn M.

March 23, 2004
My surgeon gave me a set of dietary guidelines for each stage. On full liquids, I had skim milk, yogurt, put veggie soup in the blender and then sipped away at that, cream soups (i.e., cream of broccoli, chicken, mushroom, etc.) very liquidy cream of wheat, even had some sugar free ice cream because my doctor said full liquids was anything that was in a liquid stage at room temp. If you didn't get a set of dietary guidelines from your doctor, you might try calling and asking for it just to get some more ideas. As far as being hungry, I found I wasn't really hungry at that stage, just needed some warmth and texture in my food so the cream soups really helped with that. Good luck on finding something that helps with the hunger.
   —  SCbabe B.

March 23, 2004
My doctor had me on clear liquids for one wk post op until he removed the drain. I was allowed juices, gatorade, propel, crystal lite, broth, etc. Week 2 I was allowed to add Campbell's creamed soups. I had potato, muchroom, tomato, pea, chicken. I could have had grits, cream of wheat and malt o meal if I had liked. I was also allowed smoothies. Basically, I was told I could have anything I could sip through a straw. Good luck. this is the hardest part but worth it.
   — Carolyn B.

March 24, 2004
Amazing how different the regimens are. My first week I could only have broth, SF jello and water. Very strict, but on the other hand, I was allowed soft foods faster than most I have read about...starting the 2nd week I could have eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, deli chicken or turkey, string cheese. Good luck!
   — Cherie A.

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