Is it possible to have a hernia that you can't see?

I ask this because I have this weird feeling sometimes when I move certain ways or <sorry to be kind of graphic> when my partner and I are *engaged*, and he is on top. It feels kind of like something is there (mid abdomen, below ribcage), and that it "moves" out of the way, but i can see nothing (yet) that protrudes (i'm about 35 lbs. of goal, and my belly definitely has the most fat. It's really more disconcerting than painful or uncomfortable, and I never noticed it until after I lost 50 lbs. or so. Could it be "hiding" under all the leftover fat/flab? Anyone been through this? Is there any other way to find out if you have a hernia other than visually observing it? Thanks.    — sweetmana (posted on January 27, 2004)

January 27, 2004
It is very possible to have hernia(s) and never notice or feel them. Most obese people have one or more. When they do protrude or cause pain is when they are usually surgically taken care of. I would suggest you ask your PCP to check it out. You want to ensure that it is just a hernia and not something more serious.
   — Cindy R.

January 27, 2004
I've wondered/experienced this too and my PCP - good meaning guy - is clueless unless I have pain or protrusion. I'd really like to know. Wonder if there is an 'expert' we can see about this besides a GP
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 27, 2004
It is actually pretty easy to have a hernia and not be able to see it. Of course, a doctor is the person to check with, but in the meantime, here's a way you can check it out yourself. Lay down flat on the bed without pants or a bra and shirt. Put one hand behind your head and the other hand over the area on your abdomen when you suspect the hernia could be. With the hand behind the head, do an ab-crunch, raising your upper body (mostly the head and neck) off the bed. While doing this, feel with the hand on the abdomen. You may need to press down a little and while pressing down you can release the crunch and re-crunch as you are *examining* yourself up and down your abdomen (a doctor actually presses pretty firmly but not really really hard). If you can feel anything even deep down, you may have a hernia. If you feel something, relax and see if it goes away (this is another sign of a hernia). You shouldn't keep doing this if you suspect a hernia until you get checked out by a doctor. An abdominal or incisional hernia simply means that something inside your body is protruding where it shouldn't go. In our cases, it is probably that part of the intestine is pushing up and either trying to or is actually protruding through the abdominal muscle. This can turn into an emergency surgical situation if the intestine protrudes and doesn't immediately go back (this would be called an incarcerated hernia and would need emergent surgical intervention). So anyway, you can check yourself out, but don't overdo it until getting checked out by a doctor. Good luck!
   — Lynette B.

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