What type of revision can you get after Lap RNY?

I am almost 2 years post-op from a Lap RNY surgery. My story goes, I lost 70 lbs the first 6 months, then stopped dead and am still over 300!! It was only recently that I gained about 10-20 lbs of it back and I truly believe that it is all water because my feet are very badly swollen and it fluctuates often. I am feeling the disappointment and failure that most of you do who are in the same boat as me. Emotions are deep and deadly as I really am at the point of totally giving up all hope of a healthy life. My surgery was classic textbook, I never had any problems post-op and never dumped or threw up. At 3 months out, I was exercising and very foolishly chugged down about a whole tall cup full of water when it hit me. The pain was unbearable and I dashed to the sink to try and force myself to vomit to releave the pressure. It wasn't working, and I spent the next hour wrything in pain, knowing that my pouch was getting damaged somehow. After that day, I knew something happened and spoke with my surgeon's nurse who assured me I would be alright. My surgeon had moved across the country so I had no other doctor to see. Fast forward to today, no other doctor will see me just to even do a simple scope. I am fortunate that one surgeon took over all of my original surgeon's cases, and am seeing him this week. I will demand a scope or some sort of procedure to find out what is going on in my pouch. But I would like to hear if anyone out there has had a similar situation and what really can be done about this. I don't want to be blown off by this surgeon and want to be prepared with some vital info. What types of revisions can be done? Can I get a Lap-Band revision after a Lap-RNY? Any advice is appreciated! Many thanks!    — majestikbutterfly (posted on January 5, 2004)

January 4, 2004
You certainly wouldn't want to go to a lap-band as A lot of people are even having those converted to rny. Make sure when you go to the doctor that he checks you for a staple line disruption. If you have that, it is why your loss stopped and you are gaining weight. It can be fixed and your rny will be good as new. Good luck
   — Delores S.

January 4, 2004
As the previous poster said, you first want to get checked for mechanical failure (staple line disruption, stretched stoma, etc). Water would not make your staple line blow, especially at 3 months out. If you do have a SLD, it's not your fault. Often, the stomach tissue, doing exactly what it's supposed to, will just reject the foreign object (staples). An SLD is fixable, and you'll be as good as new. If a revision is in order, you can revise to a DS, go the lap-band route, or even just go more distal. There are several options. Don't give up hope, there are many top-notch surgeons who will help you, although it sometimes will require travel. Take it one step at a time. Good luck.
   — Leslie F.

January 4, 2004
I forgot to add, call the Record's Department of the hopsital you had surgery at, and request a copy of your Op Report. It will help the surgeon who does the revision immensely. Good luck.
   — Leslie F.

January 4, 2004
y surgeon SPECIALIZES in revisions and does most of them LAP. Pittsburghs not that far:)
   — bob-haller

January 4, 2004
Michelle, Most conversion (from one type of WLS to another) patients are going to the BPD/DS. There is a Yahoo group you might want to check out - their archives are a very good read. Here's the URL: Hope this helps some! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

January 4, 2004
Can you go from a RNY to a Fobi??? Does anyone know if that is possible? Thanks ~Sidney~
   — Siddy I.

January 5, 2004
Hi Michelle, My doctor is Dr. Jamshid Nazarian. He is with the liv-lite organization. He does revisions all the time. You can contact his office. He is listed here under the doctors on this site. His office is in Beverly Hills, but Liv-Lite often can arrange everything from airfare and hotel accomadations to handling everything with the insurance companies. You may want to give them a call to find out what they can do for you!
   — keishax

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