Im bipolar and my meds don't seem to be working.

Im 2 months post op and my bipolar meds that have been working great for the past 2 years arn't working anymore. I take 3 meds for this and am having problems with everything. I'm cycling like crazy. Very impulsive and crying at the drop of a hat. Has anyone else who is bipolar gone through this?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on December 21, 2003)

December 21, 2003
More than likely your meds are time release and they won't work now. My depression really bottomed out. Come to find out, Welbutrin SR is TIME RELEASE. Once I switched to Welbutrin, I was fine. Check into it fast. Go with a NON time release.
   — Danmark

December 21, 2003
I have been diagnosed bipolar for a year and a half and I had my surgery about a month ago. I also have started to cycle rapidly. My doctor informed that this may happen due to malabsorption and that my doseages will need to be increased to help. I hope this helps you some.
   — KittyKatt

December 22, 2003
I was diagnosed 5-years ago and had my surgery this past March. My doctor had to double my dosage of Geodone and I had to switch from Wellbutrin XR to the immediate release, once this was done I was stable once again.
   — Lorna R.

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