Can someone please help me get approved for new boobs! (o)(o)

I am about 7 months out and I need help getting a breast lift approved by Blue Cross of Alabama. Any info. would be much appreciated. Thanks    — Patra R. (posted on December 19, 2003)

December 23, 2003
I'm sorry someone more experienced hasn't answered, but I work for Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Maine so I may be able to shed a little light. Getting your boobs(!) fixed may not be approved b/c it's almost always considered cosmetic. The only way around this is if your doctor(s) have documentation that you are getting skin irritations underneath - but even this is a long shot. I'm only 3 mos. out, but I'm already wanting a lift! I'm planning on taking out a loan for the plastic surgery that I want done but won't be covered by my plan (such as my arms & girls..). Best thing is to call your insurer. Good luck!
   — Louise D.

December 27, 2003
I know how you feel, I'm going to be watching for these answers too. (.)(.) is more like it.
   — tinky471

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