8 weeks post op and eating mostly anything is uncomfortable???

It seems like no matter what I eat by the third or fourth bite it starts to get uncomfortable going down, so i tend to stop eating when it gets to that point I dont think I am eating enough, and does this uncomfortable feeling go away??    — Debi Rouilliard (posted on November 3, 2003)

November 2, 2003
You might try slowing down on your eating, a couple minutes between each bite for now, until you get used to it.
   — thekatinthehat

November 2, 2003
Make sure that you are eating slowly and chewing your food well. It might be a good idea to run this concern past your Surgeon to make sure that everything is ok and to make sure that you have no scare tissue in the way.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 2, 2003
it DOES get better. Trust me. For right now, chew chew chew and put your fork down and breathe between bites. Give each one time to go down before you take another one.
   — lorien

November 3, 2003
I know everone suggested eating slower, I would also add - take very tiny bites. My mother in law had a hard time for quite a while, then she went to the dietician who watcher her eat. Turned out her bites were too big. In the early stages your bites should be no larger than what can fit on a baby size spoon (not teaspoon). I am 7mos post op and I still have problems from time to time. It depends what density a food item is (meat vs tuna in mayo) and what size bite I take.
   — M B.

November 3, 2003
Hi, there! I'm also almost 8 weeks post (9/11/03-Lap RNY), and I have this problem occasionally. It's usually with the denser foods (meat and chicken especially). I usually stop for a few minutes to see if the uncomfortable feeling will go away, then try to continue eating. The other posters are right, though. You have to take tiny bites and chew very slowly, especially with the solid foods. Sometimes I can eat more than other times, too. In general, I seem to be able to eat more at lunchtimes than at dinner. Not sure why? I am supplementing with one daily protein shake at this point (usually for breakfast), as I don't feel I'm getting in enough protein either. Good luck to you, and I hope it gets better for you soon.
   — Carlita

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