Genital area liposuction - good or bad idea?

   — arzepka (posted on October 30, 2003)

October 29, 2003
I've heard several people from this website talk about doing it...and I've heard that many docs recommend it, for hygeine reasons. Apparently, most people don't lose that fat very fast down there.
   — thekatinthehat

October 29, 2003
I am having a TT soon and the surgeon will also take care of that area when he does the surgery. They remove it by thinning the fat with a scalpel and removing it which is quicker and more effective than lipo. At least that is my understanding of the procedure. I had asked about lipo for my flanks and he said they would do it all with the scalpel.
   — Carol S.

October 30, 2003
Hi Artur, You may want to look in the library for comments from the past. Believe it or not you are not alone in this question. Others have asked it as well.
   — M B.

October 30, 2003
Artur: Looking in the library is a good idea. Also, come join us at the yahoo plastic surgery group. I heard of it being done with lipo and also just being removed during the TT. I'm having my TT Dec. 15, or so and the plastic surgeon said she was going to cut low and pull the mons area up at the time of the TT. Male or female it's a very common problem I think. Email if you more info. Sherry
   — sherry hedgecock

October 30, 2003
I don't really have an answer but I want to thank you for your question. I thought I was one of the few that had this problem. I thought I was just formed differently than most women but apparently it can be corrected at the time I need a panni. I have always hated that part of my body (the mons) so I appreciate all the other answers and will ask my doctor when it is time for plastic surgery.
   — tntwildlife77

October 30, 2003
I don't really have an answer but I want to thank you for your question. I thought I was one of the few that had this problem. I thought I was just formed differently than most women but apparently it can be corrected at the time I need a panni. I have always hated that part of my body (the mons) so I appreciate all the other answers and will ask my doctor when it is time for plastic surgery.
   — tntwildlife77

October 30, 2003
My husband and I both have this problem badly. We looked into Liposuction for this area and they wouldn't do it for 2 reasons. Liposuction is a very traumatic proceedure. The mons pubis area is a relatively small area to have a very long suction tube scraping and sucking out stuff. You have a LOT of tiny nerves there and thats the last place you want nerve damage or muscle damage. If they sever a nerve or damage a muscle you could suffer from not being able to get a full erection. The other reason is that it will just cause more loose skin that you could get caught in a zipper OUCH! <p> David and I will both be having abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and belt lipectomy for him (all the way around lift). The doctor will also be performing a pubic lift where he will cut out excess fat and skin and pull it up very tight. That is the most exciting thing for me about this surgery is that I wont have that awful bulge anymore and have to lift up the skin just to use the bathroom and wipe. It will be so nice to have a flat area. <p> I wish liposuction was the answer because it isnt as expensive as an all over lift. Sometimes Tummy Tucks will tighten it somewhat but just to be sure he will be making 2 extra incisions to pull it tighter. Hope this helps. By the way, I thought your English was very good! I couldn't tell you were a foreigner! If you have any further questions, email us. ~~~ Dana and David
   — danabky

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