Has anyone ever written a personal letter to the insurance co.?

Has anyone ever written the insurance company a personal letter about what research they have done, co morbidities and basically why they should approve your surgery? If so, please share with me whether it helped or was it a waste of time. Thanks and God Bless.    — QUEENS B. (posted on October 27, 2003)

October 27, 2003
hello, I wrote a 4 page letter telling them everything from co-morbids to the problems I face day to day every diet I had been on ( that one was hard )how much weight I had lost and in what amount of time and how much I gained back and in what amount of time and last how my life will approve from surgery.Hope this helps
   — melisa789

October 27, 2003
I wrote a letter which went with my initial surgeons package. I was told by the review board that it helped. I was approved in 4 days. I followed advice I culled from the AMOS library. One of the posters in the library actually worked for an insuarnce company and gave her recommendations. I kept emotions out of it (remember insurance people don't care about your feelings). I listed my co-morbids, my family health history and how my weight impacted my daily living. I also listed what it could cost them in the long term if they allowed some of my co-morbids to progress. Best wishes
   — M B.

October 27, 2003
I wrote my lifes story , a real tear jerker ..I think it helped alot .. dont forget to tell your familys health history too mom m ,dad and siblings . Tell them the quality of your life being 100 lbs over weight and how losing this weight will actually SAVE them medical cost in the long run as morbid obesity causes the onset of many health problems . Ruthie
   — ruthie

October 27, 2003
YES! I wrote a four page testimonial about my struggle with obesity since I was a child. It covered from age 7 to the present (33); also included an outline of all the problems and comorbidities I had, plus a daily schedule of how the weight effected every single aspect of my life, every single day. I personally believe that this letter was very beneficial. I'd suggest sticking to the facts and being very open & honest (this can be hard sometimes). Good luck & God be with you.
   — Jeane M.

October 27, 2003
Yes, I wrote a detailed letter of my history and included a color photo of myself and my loving husband(DH). I wrote a caption that said I would like another 30 years with this dear man. I was told it helped with the approval.
   — funfunfun

October 28, 2003
I, too, wrote a letter to the insurance company. If it will help, I will be glad to send you a copy of it. Just e-mail me your mailing address and I'll get it in the mail the same day. Rita
   — Rita V.

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