How much is too much?

I am around 1 1/2 years out now everything is going well, except that I can eat around a half cup of vegie chowder, that is around 4 oz is this bad? I was told to mesuer like crazy for the first 9 to 10 months then let your body tell you when it was full and stop as soon as you felt full..I have been following this to the letter, why am I able to eat this much?    — Victoria S. (posted on October 23, 2003)

October 23, 2003
<font color="007000" face="tahoma">Just thought I would give you the information from my Nutritionist. According to her, I should be around 1/2 cup, 4 oz, right now, at 6 months out. She also said that by a year out, I should be up to about 8 oz or 1 cup. Good Luck with your Journey! <I>~~Wendy D, RNY 4/23/03, -111 lbs~~</I></font>
   — Wendy D P.

October 23, 2003
i can easily eat 1/4 to 1/2 cup of chowder or soup. no, it isn't too much.
   — Delores S.

October 23, 2003
WOW! I'm 7 wks out and I eat a 1/2cup servings.. I measure everything with a measuring cup.... I still only eat about 800-900 calories... I think you are doing fine and can probably afford to eat more :-)
   — baybekmbrly

October 23, 2003
Hi Victoria- My surgeon said the same thing as Wendy's...that I should be able to eat 8 oz when I'm one year post-op. I am 6.5 months out right now and I eat about 1/2 cup of food at each meal. Less if it's entirely chicken or meat. I think you're doing fine and wouldn't worry about it!
   — toolio

October 23, 2003
I have never measured my foods. I have eaten til I was "full". I can now eat almost a cup of cottage cheese at one sitting and I haven't had a pound variation in my weight in 8 months. I am almost 2 years post-op and eat as much as I think I need - sometimes, it may be too much but I must be doing ok since my weight is at my surgeon's goal and has been stable I had my tummy tuck in February.
   — Patty_Butler

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