Can someone tell me what a normal protein level is?

My blood work came back and I was informed my protein (pre albumin)level was 14 and way to low. I have talked to a couple of others and they were told normal protein levels per their doctors is anywhere from 5 - 8.3    — Debbie S. (posted on September 30, 2003)

September 30, 2003
My doctor's office told me that pre albumin should be anywhere between 18 and 45. Mine was low too! Hope this helps.
   — Jackie S.

October 1, 2003
Ask for copies of the lab work for your records. I keep a file of all of my lab work and any special tests that I have performed. The lab work should tell you the normal range and whether you are high or low. I hate it when a doctor just tells me I am okay or something is high/low. I like seeing the proof. haha. I wonder if that means I am a control freak ... hmmmm. I will have to think about that. Actually I think it means that I don't trust doctors implicitly and do take precautions to be informed as best as I can. The webMD site might have information on the tests that you are asking about to help you understand the results better.
   — Arizona_Sun

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