Does anyone have acid reflux and 1 1/2 years out and have a dull achy pain in

stomach area (under rib cage) it is not always constant and doesnt happen after I eat- tums and zantac seem to help-I do not have any thing that comes back up or have acidy tastes in my mouth- any suggestions- I moved and went to a GI dr and he thinks it is acid reflux (he is not a dr supportive in this surgery-didnt know this until I went to him) any suggestions????    — Sarah A. (posted on September 1, 2003)

September 1, 2003
My understanding is that ulcers are a real concern for WLS patients. You may have developed one. Probably need to find another gastroenterologist or a WLS surgeon and get them to scope you. If it is an ulcer it can get cleared up with the right meds. Severe acid reflux is fairly rare for us as we have little to no acid in our pouch. However, Prilosec or Nexium might work better which are by prescription only. I'd keep pushing to get checked out especially if the acid meds are not giving you any relief.
   — zoedogcbr

September 1, 2003
Hi Sara, I am now 7 mths post op from lap rny and I was recently diagnosed with having acid reflux after having surgery, I never had it before. After the surgery, I threw up alot so that is how they thought I might have it. My surgeon then did an endoscope on me to see if that was the problem or if I had a stricture but sure enough I had acid reflux so he then put me on nexium, and let me tell ya it has been wonderful now with taking the medicine. So, that might be what is wrong with you, so have your doctor or surgeon do an endoscope on you to see if that is the problem cuz then they can prescribe you something for it and it does help believe me! I never knew you could develop acid reflux after having this surgery, I thought ppl who had it before surgery it was just to help you get rid of it, but, I was worng it has helped some who have had it before surgery and now they don't have it anymore. But those who have never had it before surgery, I guess you can develop it after! I guess we all learn something new everyday! Also alot of ppl though don't develop this afterwards, but very few can and I was one of them, But the medicine does help tremendously and hopefully it will get better over time to where I don't even have to take it anymore at all! So, do check with your doc cuz it can happen-k! and as for the pain in you rib cage, I have that too sometimes but I am not forsure if it has to do with the acid reflux thing though. I heard that was due to tenderness from having this surgery and also some ppl can have what is called costochondritis, which is an inflammation of the rib cartilidge, which is nothing serious, it just happens if you over do it or just something that can happen. My doc told me to take some anti-inflammories to help with that or some extra strength tylenol, and it does help too, so you might want to write that down and mention that to your doc! Hope this info helps out and good luck to you!
   — Melodee S.

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