4 weeks post-op can we eat veggies like baked squash ?
is there any veggies that we should not eat and can anyone give me any recipes for 4 weeks — Stacy R. (posted on August 9, 2003)
August 9, 2003
I was told that veggies are too dense. They fill us up too quickly. We
need to eat protein for the food value. I too am 4 wks post op and can eat
only 1/2 a cup of anything so it needs to have protein or I won't get the
protein I need for the day (64 grams).
— Margaret G.
August 9, 2003
Stacey... see my profile, part 2, under Sharon M. Brittain for great
recipes and a diet to follow that is from a nutritionist!
— Sharon m. B.
August 9, 2003
I tried squash at 4 weeks and it ran right throw me with plenty of
discomfort. I would suggest waiting a while longer. Focus on protein.
Good luck!!
— msmaryk
August 9, 2003
At 4 weeks I was still on protein only. However, if you are allowed
veggies I would first choose something less starchy as it's not an ideal
choice from a carb standpoint. However, if the craving won't go away have
a couple 1/2 tsp. and enjoy it, but only once in a while. Don't totally
deprive yourself but try to make the best possible choices for the stage
you are at. The biggest concern of venturing into carbs so early is that
they may set of cravings etc and things will continue to grow till you are
eating too many carbs. Didn't happen to me but it is what the docs are
concerned about. Make sure to skip all the goodies that some people put on
squash. Au natural or not at all would be my recommendation.
— zoedogcbr
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