I asked my doctor if I had an proximal or distal RNY? He said I had a EXTENDED RNY?

Can any of you explain what that is? How is it different then the proximal or distal RNY?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on July 30, 2003)

July 30, 2003
I'd be interested to know this too. I had 100 cm bypassed but my doctor told me he usually does bout 75. I'll be interested in seeing the answers that come.
   — Happy I.

July 30, 2003
Okay, according to my surgeon the catagorization of proximal vs distal is NOT as simple as how many cm's you are bypassed. He tried to explain it to me, but we just weren't on the same page. He said I am distal with 150 cm's bypassed. Some 'experts' on here will tell you that you are not distal unless you are bypassed 200 or more. Like I said, there seems to be more to it. Wish a REAL expert would post to this question.
   — Ginger M.

July 31, 2003
I've never heard of an extended RNY and can't find any info. I'm learning that doctors like to make up names for little things that they do differently from the mainstream. Curious though, why you didn't ask him/her at the time? And it's not too late to ask that now :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 31, 2003
I think it is a good idea to know how many centimeters were bypassed and state that instead of proximal or distal. Surgeon's descriptions vary, what's distal for one person and surgeon may be proximal for another person and surgeon. There doesn't seem to be a standard.
   — mary ann T.

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