I'm having foot surgery Aug 1st. what do I do about exercise-do not want to gain !!!

actually both feet are involved. Can't afford to gain weight now!!!!!I need some suggestions please!!!!    — sharon G. (posted on July 11, 2003)

July 11, 2003 <BR><BR> Chair dancing is a great workout too. All exercises done while sitting. No leg movement needed (unless you are able).
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 11, 2003
sharon... the previous poster's suggestion is a fantastic one... plus, look into Pilates. You will be able to do the ones that do not involve the feet. It is great for stomach muscle strengthing!
   — Sharon M. B.

July 11, 2003
My local PBS station has a show called "Sit and Be Fit." Maybe yours does too.
   — Chris T.

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