question for the ladies about periods!!

i just got done with my period, and i stayed the same with my weight. no gain, no loose? i am 7 weeks post-op and i have been loosing a lot, pretty fast (im a heavy weight). when i got on the scale, i was very discouraged. i am down 45 pounds, and i am so happy with that, but why can't we or i loose weight while AF is visiting? so will i loose an extra 3 pounds next week to make up for it? poooooo poooooo    — heather S. (posted on July 7, 2003)

July 7, 2003
Hi, great job so far on your weight loss! Keep up the good work. I just had this problem a week ago. I didn't have my period for 2 months after my surgery and then bam!, it started and didn't stop for 2 weeks!! I was flowing very heavy by the end and I didn't lose any weight during. :( The good news is, you will lose when you stop flowing, I lost almost 10 pounds right after I stopped flowing and I've started losing on a regular basis now. Hope this answeres your question. Good luck to you.
   — Kim J.

July 7, 2003
HI! It really sounds like you are doing great. I've had the same problem. I don't lose any weight the week I'm on my period but then right after I stop I lose about 5 lbs. I've actually started to look forward to my period, I know I'm going to lose a few lbs after. LOL Good luck!
   — Stephanie M.

July 7, 2003
The week of my period I usually don't lose any weight, but the week after I usually lose 4-7 pounds. I am 9.5 months postop and it has been like this since my first period after surgery. I don't let it bother me any more. Prior to surgery I would gain weight during period week, so I guess staying the same is a good thing.
   — ckreh

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