Pre Op- OB GYN Says NO Depo Provera, Advice Needed

I saw my OB GYN and he told me I shouldnt get on the Depo Provera shot since you gain weight? I am on the pill now but am looking for opinions from others whether I should pursue the Depo Provera.    — Anita Jo (posted on June 29, 2003)

June 29, 2003
I was also told no Depo-Provera, I had been on it for 4 years and had to get off prior to surgery. Right now I am on Ortho-Tricyclen, and have to atop that 2 weeks before surgery and I was told I can resume it 1 month after surgery. Now that I think back....I did gain weight while on Depo!!!!!
   — jennap

June 29, 2003
My surgeon told me it was ok to resume taking birth control when I was six weeks post-op. He warned me that the pill may not be as effective because of malabsorption issues. When I talked to the gynocologist, she didn't recommend the patch because it isn't as effective in women over 200 pounds. She also said the depo shot can cause weight gain. She recommended the NuvaRing...which is inserted vaginally. It's not a barrier, it works just like the pill only the birth control is absorbed through the walls of the vagina. I wasn't crazy about trying it, but she gave me three months of samples and there's really nothing to it. You don't know it's wear it for three weeks-take it out for one week-and then put in a new one for three more weeks, etc. I actually like daily pill to remember. Good luck.
   — Bonnie R.

June 29, 2003
Hello..Just wanted to share some advice on the weight and birth control. My doctor told me about all the methods of birth control considering I have a high weight problem. Now that I had wls I have to be careful not to get pregnant. One of the problems that obese women face is that birth control shots, pills, and rings are not meant for women who weigh over 200 pounds. Some birth control pills are only good up to 170 pounds. So, we are too stuck in the dilemma with what to use for birth control. So, I am sticking with the old fashion thing with using condoms with a spermicide. It is not the greatest thing but until I get to about 180, I don't think I would trust anything else. That is why so many AMOS members are getting pregnant months after surgery. The weight comes off and we are more fertile. Pills don't work yet so some of us will get pregnant. I hope this helps! The best thing to do is to talk to your Gyn. and see what is the best method for your weight. Good luck with the weight loss...
   — jacutting

June 29, 2003
I take Depo Provera, have since way before surgery, and still take it at 6 months post op. I was taking a double dosage every 2 months to control my bleeding, but I just backed down to a regular dosage every 3 months. yes it CAN make you gain weight, it hasn't hurt me at all (down 96 pounds in 6 months)...of course, i can't say if I would be losing faster if I wasn't on the shot, so who knows. Either way, after surgery, you are going to lose weight.
   — thekatinthehat

June 29, 2003
I am still pre-op, but I tried depo, and it gave me a voracious appetite!! I put on 20lbs in just a couple bled non-stop until anemic...not pleasant... I've heard all the same stuff about the patches not being effective if over 200lbs... I tried the ring, but due to lax muscles from childbirth, it just kept falling out... I've decided to take a break from birth control for a while (I'm not sexually active currently) until I've lost a lot of my weight, but once i"m ready, my ob/gyn is recommending the Mirena releases hormones like the pill, but locally, rather than systemically....which if you have any reactions to hormones, like I do, is a better choice for me...bonus.. it lasts 5 years and you don't ever have to think about it....If you're looking for a non-hormonal choice, I used to use a diaphram along with's a little inconvenient, but worked well for me---that would leave you no worries about malabsorbtion or weight gain...good luck in whatever you choose.
   — Kelly B.

June 29, 2003
I have been getting the depo shot for a few years. after my wls i asked both my gynocologist and surgeon and both said there were no problems with the shot after surgery. i've lost 144 pounds in 13 months so i can't say the depo has had any effect.
   — candymom64

June 29, 2003
My surgeon had me stop Depo Provera before surgery due to increased risk of blood clots. While he did say resuming after surgery should be ok, the MAJOR risk of getting pregnant scared me away from that. Personally, I researched til I was blue, then decided to go with an IUD. They got a bad rap in the 70's, but the IUDs of today are not the same as they were then. The failure rate is minimal (read: as low as Depo, lower than with the pill!) and you don't have to remember to do ANYTHING for 10 YEARS! It's not for everyone, but so far it works! :)
   — ladyphy

June 29, 2003
I think that everyone's body reacts differently to all things we put in our bodies. I have never had problems with Depo, it is fabulous for me. It gets rid of the bloating, the cramps, the MASSIVE headaches, almost totally took away my periods and it aided me in losing 30 lbs after my daughter was born. But on the other hand, it made my sister bloat, and have heavy periods and headaches. Since everyone is different, I wouldn't suggest you find out your reaction at this time that your body chemistry is adjusting to a whole new make-up. You can always try it at a later date.
   — TameraD

June 29, 2003
Whoops! I meant to say, do NOT try it now. Give it a try later. okay, I have now fixed my typo. :>
   — TameraD

June 30, 2003
Hi Anita, I was on Depo for 8 years and loved it. I gained 56 lbs in the first 11 mos. of use. My OB/GYN couldn't guarantee that after the surgery I wouldn't keep weight on. For me I chose not to continue since it wasn't worth the effort to try to lose weight and still have this possible hinder my success. I still miss it and I miss not not getting my period. I had my last shot the month prior to my surgery. That was 2 yrs ago. I think I mourn losing my depo more than food. LOL Anyway, continued success and best wishes
   — Linda M.

June 30, 2003
My vote is the IUD. The ob-gyn inserts it in a few seconds. No pills, no shots, nothing to 'put in yourself or put on your partner', no side effects, effective, convienient, long term use, your body still has it's own natural cycles. The IUD is a good choice pre or post wls no matter what your age or health.
   — mary ann T.

June 30, 2003
I was told to get off depo because of my concern for developing osteoporosis. I guess it inhibits calcium absorbtion to a degree or something like that--not sure but was warned to stop it after this surgery. This came from my OBGYN. I didn't gain any weight by the way and I really did like it! 212/118/108
   — TP

June 30, 2003
I had lots of problems while on depo. I would have a period for 6 or 8 weeks (heavy bleeding, clotting and cramping), and then would have problems with anemia. My gyn took me off it, and put me on the patch. I love it. I've been using it for 5 mos, and have the most wonderful periods that last for 4 days with mild bleeding (as if a period could be wonderful LOL!!). I have found it works wonders for me, especialy with having pcos. My anestologist even let me wear it while I was in surgery! I was concerned that it would inhibit weight loss, but I'm averaging about 5 lbs a week since surgery. I do have to say though, that no 2 people react the same way to it, so talk to your doc about it. Good luck!! 9 weeks out, down 44 lbs
   — mellyhudel

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