If I am in the high range on ketones why am I not losing?
I have just came from the library and read everything on ketones and now I am even more worried. I used the ketostixs for the first time this morning and it was in the high range. I read that this means that I am getting rid of the fat cells, but I do not lose at a quick pace. I am almost five months out and had been losing about 10 pounds a month, but this month I did not even lose five pounds. I thought with the ketones being high I would lose faster, is this not true? Also should I worry if I stay in the high range? — Marcy S. (posted on June 26, 2003)
June 26, 2003
Yes, Marcy, you should worry if your ketone levels stay in the high range.
It means you're putting extra stress on your kidneys and they don't need
that. You may be dehydrated, in which case you will need to drink more
fluids, or you may just need to add a few complex carbohydrates to tone
down the ketones. Your ketone levels should stay in the pink (moderate)
range. When it turns dark purple, it's too high.<p>
Don't worry about the weight loss. If you are in ketosis, you are burning
body fat that was stored. Your body is compensating for the loss by filling
up those empty fat cells with water--but it is only temporary. You will see
a sudden drop after a week of two or three, and it will be dramatic. So
hang in there, but try to get those ketone levels down a little bit. Best
wishes to you.
— artistmama
June 26, 2003
I am wondering how many calories per day you are eating. Ketosis or no
ketosis if you are not eating enough you could really be in a starvation
mode. I would also urge you to drink a ton of water if you are in the high
range. You could be asking for a whole other set of issues like kidney
stones and liver issues as well as just being dehydrated which is a very
under-rated and dangerous situation. By the way I think 10 pounds a month
is great!
— Carol S.
June 26, 2003
Hi Marcy. Those sticks measure ketones, but what a lot of people don't
realize is that those sticks are actually measuring the amount of sugars
you are dumping through your urine. I used to be a brittle diabetic and had
to use those every day to know when to adjust the amount of carbs I was
getting in my body. You may be getting too many carbs. Veggies are carbs!
They are not free food! They can actually stop/slow down your weight loss.
Stick with protein as much as possible. Let your vities provide what they
are meant to provide while you are losing weight... I've lost 220 lbs in
the past 18 months. See my profile if you want more of my nutrition
experiences...! :~)
— Sharon M. B.
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