migraine sufferers out there?

i am 5 1/2 weeks post-op. for the past 6 years of my life i have suffered from migraines. my PCP has me on imitrex and in the past midrin. (he also has me on celexa trying that as well) im worried, now that i am post-op wls, can i continue this. i know i can't have aspirin and all the other anti-inflammatories. if you are post-op and use meds for migraines, please tell me what meds you take and how? midrin is in capsule form, and imitrex is awkward shaped- concerned i can't get either down? (i am still using celexa, in liquid form) ~thanks    — heather S. (posted on June 25, 2003)

June 25, 2003
I am 1 1/2 years post op, open RNY. I can take both of these medications and any others without any problems. Good luck to you, Dana
   — harleychick

June 25, 2003
I suffered regularly from migraines, but b/c of very high blood pressure that wasn't too responsive to meds, there was very little that my PCP thought she could do except encourage me to try to use caffeine to help alleviate the discomfort. Well, since the surgery, I've only had three very minor migraines-- none of which bothered me for more than a few hours each time (as opposed to the ones that would wake me up from a sound sleep and not let go for much of the next day). So, you might not have to worry about meds! Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

June 25, 2003
My PCP gave me something new about 3 months ago. Works like magic. Axert. I will never be without it. Ask about trying it.
   — Mona R.

June 25, 2003
Hi Heather, I am now 5 mths post-op and I suffer from migraines too! My doc put me on immtrex and I still continue to take that after surgery when I have a migraine attack, the pills are small so they don't bother me. Good Luck!
   — Melodee S.

June 26, 2003
I had migraines that started at about 9 months post-op... we tried EVERYTHING (12 different meds)! We think it was do a lot to low blood sugar (I am diabetic), among other things. I am taking Topomax now. It is saving my life! It is actually a drug for seizures, but it is doing the trick for me. After 5 months of daily migraines I am finally back to having a life - only 2 migraines in the last month. Good luck to you!
   — kultgirl

June 26, 2003
Try works wonders
   — barbara A.

June 26, 2003
I suffer from migraines due to a dislocated jaw I sustained in a car accident. My doctor originally put me on Midrin. What he never told me is how DANGEROUS it is. Midrin is something that should not be taken for more than 5 days, and can cause a stroke. I've since been to a neurologist who has me on Topomax. Like a previous poster mentioned, it's an anti-seizure med. My doses are small, but it has worked wonders. Instead of having migraines daily, I get them maybe 2 or 3 times a month. Topomax works to prevent the migraine from occurring, as opposed to treating it once it occurs. I would highly recommend you try a capable neurologist- they might be able to help you with this. I know it's made my life dramatically better. Best wishes!
   — Rebekah B.

June 26, 2003
Hi, I am still preop. I am taking Nortriptiline to prevent and Zomig when migrain occurs. Zomig is great and can be taken at any stage of the headache. My Neuo tells me losing the weight will reduce my migrains. Here's to hope for all of us. Good luck!
   — sweetglow

June 26, 2003
***ORIGINAL POSTER HERE*** thanks for all your posts! so there is help and HOPE for me post-op and my crazy head! :o) good to know about these meds, so i can bring this up to my Dr. thank you again! ~heather
   — heather S.

June 27, 2003
I know that when I was actually in the hospital my surgeon had them give me imitrex, so I am certain that it will still be fine to take post op. Also my PCP prescribed Maxalt to me after surgery which the way I understand it is a cheaper but comparparable drug to imitrex. It works and I am happy. I will say that my headaches are less frequent post op and that is another PLUS!! Good luck!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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