I'm 16 months post-op...why have I not gotten my period in over 6 months?

I had my surgery 16 months ago and have lost 105-110lbs. 100 of that came off in the first 8 months. I then went on to lose the last 10lbs over the next couple months. For the past 6 months my weight has been extremely stable, only fluctuating a few pounds. The last time I got a period was about 6 months ago. I am 41 years old, and WAY to young to be going through my "change", so that can't be it. My husband had a vasectomy, and I am faithful to him, so that can't be it. I took a pregnancy test, just for peace of mind, to make sure no little "squirmies" broke free, LOL...and it was negative, so that can't be it. And last, but not least, I realize that as we lose weight rapidly we tend to miss periods because our hormones and stuff are out of whack, but my weight has been stable now for 6 months, and my labs are fine (I take B-12, calcium, and vitamins) THAT can't be it. I should also tell you that before surgery, I was regular like clock work. Then after surgery, while I was losing all that weight so fast, they were very sporadic (which was understandable), but then toward the end of my big loss, I got a few in a row and thought, OK my body realizes it's done losing weight now, time to get you back on track. Now, nothing for 6 months!!! SO WHAT GIVES!??? Are there any medical people out there who might be able to give me a clue as to why I'm STILL not getting my period?    — Ann S. (posted on June 25, 2003)

June 25, 2003
I'm almost 2 yrs out and had the some of the same type of problems...however, now I am doing ok and off the pill-so it's all working on its on now....I would contact your gyno and get an appt. They can run some tests as to if you are going thru the "changes" etc or at least give you some insight etc. For now, I would be thankful that you haven't had a going thru the "Change" isn't that bad is it? I mean, you don't want any more kids welcome the're still you!
   — Heather D.

June 26, 2003
I hate to make you feel bad, but I must agree with the last poster. It is Not too early to start the change. My mother started young. And, I am afraid I will too (afraid because I don't have kids yet). I am 33 and my family history says I do not have many years before my change. Good luck!
   — sweetglow

June 26, 2003
Original poster here. Thanks for your answers! I have one more question there a way to find out if I am, in fact, starting menopause? I mean, can I go to the doctor and take a "test" of some sort? Thanks.....
   — Ann S.

October 1, 2004
Anne, I'm going through the exact same thing as you. I'm 29 months out, 39 years old, haven't had a period for 6 months. My periods were as you described before and during weight loss too. My blood work is perfect. I just saw the doctor about 3 months ago. I'm going to call them again and have them give me the test to see if I'm starting to go through menopause. Let me know what happens with you. Margie B.
   — Margaret B.

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