Has anyone had their 'spare' stomach removed?

I have been having pain like gas backing up into the blind stomach. Has anyone else who is a long term postie had this or had the blind stomach removed for any other reason? If so, what was the reason, the result, and any other information you wish to share. Thanks    — Cara F. (posted on June 17, 2003)

June 17, 2003
I didn't have this done, but I don't think it would be something anyone would do unless their distal stomach was diseased. The distal stomach still produces gastric fluids (the pouch doesn't) that are used in digesting food going into the small intestine. It's still a functioning organ of the body that is very much needed for the digestive process.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 17, 2003
My surgeon took all mine out after he made the pouch. I am so healthy now, I am almost 2 years post op. All my labs come back great. I think it is a matter of opinion (professional and personal) if we need that other portion or not. I am living proof it is not far. Good Luck.
   — Angela S.

June 17, 2003
Sorry, but Angela, your profile states you had a gastric bypass. I don't see how you can have a bypass if your distal stomach is removed. We're all here to if you care to explain, I would really like to know how your surgery was done. Is there another gastric bypass besides the RNY gastric bypass? Wondering over here...
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 17, 2003
Yes, mine is gone. RNY. When my SLD and I revised, I CHOSE to have it gone. I had 30 yrs ulcer history & was a bit afraid of developing an ulcer on the site of former ulcers. My choice. I'm glad. My pouch & all feels & works so much better now.
   — vitalady

June 17, 2003
I am having my WLS on July 1. I am having my extra stomach removed due to a mass in it. I am having the bypass done at the same time.
   — lindadougherty

June 18, 2003
I had problems with pain from gas that seemed to be in the old stomach. It went away for me about 4-6 weeks after the surgery.
   — Renee M.

January 8, 2006
I had open RNY gastric bypass with my stomach (all but the pouch) removed. It is still considered bypass because the small intestine is re-routed (bypassed) up to the pouch like a regular bypass RNY.
   — renes03

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