I what I'm experiencing adema?

I'm having surgery in a little over 2 weeks and I have high b/pressure for which I take medication for as well as a water pill. I woke up this morning with first my left foot realy swolen, now both feet are huge and my legs feel very tight. Anybody experience anything similar ever?    — jane O. (posted on June 7, 2003)

June 7, 2003
Not trying to alarm you or anything, but this can sometimes be a sign of blood clotting that is in the pelvic area. I'm sure it is probably something else, but I would get it checked out at any rate. Having had 3 DVT's myself, I don't mess around anymore when I notice any unusal swelling in the legs.
   — Greg P.

June 7, 2003
I used to experience extreme adema - had high blood pressure, took several water pills a day, and wore custom made surgical stockings. I am now 7 1/2 months post op, and down 137 pounds. I have very occasional swelling in my legs or ankles, and have normal blood pressure with no medication. I take a very mild dose of lasix once every two weeks for very occasional water build-up. Best of luck.
   — GPoynor

June 8, 2003
Get yourself to a doctor asap. I am not trying to alarm you but I get swollen legs where they feel they are going to burst. Very painful. I have congestive heart failure which can be quite serious if it is not taken care of with medications. Since my wls I have not had a single episode but I used to have to go to emergency room at least once a month when I was 150 pounds heavier. It is best to have docs check you out.
   — Melanie H.

June 8, 2003
My ankles were both very swollen and I went to my pcp and, and I did have edema, and she put me on Hygroten, I had gained 10 pounds, and after taking this hygroten, and now I only take a 1/2 pill everyother day. I would encourage you to see your pcp.
   — wizz46

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