Pre Op Menstural Issues

Aunt Flow needs to start looking for a condo...I am less than 3 weeks away from having surgery and my periods have always been like clockwork....NEVER late, never to short never to long, never to light never to heavy.....untill! I have been on a slow trickle for THREE WEEKS!!! This is getting really old, anyone chare my experience? I am going nuts.....ont that I am a prude but I would reather enjoy un-impeded intimacy with my husband at some point before surgery.....anyone anyone?    — Sarah S. (posted on June 5, 2003)

June 5, 2003
I feel your pain!! I have been close to regular my whole life until 2 mos. ago. That one was so unnnnnnnnnnbelievably heavy!!! then I skipped a month, then this month.... well let's just say I am on day 21..... the Dr. put me on progestrone and has chalked it up to stress and " rapid weight gain" because 5 yrs is rapid apparently.... I know this doesn't help, just know you are not the only one! Jenn
   — Jenn J.

June 5, 2003
I have not had surgery yet but have experienced what you both are talking about a few years ago. I was put on birth control pills. This did not thrill me as I had my tubes tied aprox 12 years earlier. But they did straighten things out, I am still on them 4 years later. :>(
   — doodlebug

June 5, 2003
Hi! Hang in there! I think we go through alot of mental stress before the surgery which can affect our cycles & alot of physical change that effects us afterwards. Miss Flow was scheduled to see me the week of my surgery and never showed. She came back over a month later because (I assume)my body wasn't taking in as much food/nutrients as it was used to and didn't want to rid itself of valuable iron etc.... All in all, at 3 months post-op I am finding my cycle becoming more regular than ever. Lastly, hope ya get some nooky, but if not, just think how great it will be when you are skinnier! Good Luck Girlfriend! Karen
   — Karen H.

June 5, 2003
My Cousin Flow was equally annoying- Popping up any time, unannounced, and then overstaying her welcome! Then she would disappear for months on end. I now take birth control pills to keep Flow on her schedule. I'm sure you are ok, but you might want to mention it to your surgeon? My gyno told me Flow was way off schedule because my weight was causing non-life threatening but annoying hormonal issues. Hopefully your surgery will convince Aunt Flow to stick to her schedule. Good Luck! Mea
   — Mea A.

June 5, 2003
I think the emotional contact with your partner is worth the discomfort with your visitor, especially going into surgery. My husband never cared as I was always light, and the shower is the perfect place when you want to consider cleanliness! As for how your partner feels, I don't know many men who would let Aunt Flow stop them after 3 weeks, and maybe a few months ahead of them!
   — bethybb

June 5, 2003
Have you recently started on any form of Birth Control? I have been bleeding consistantly for about 5 weeks now, I started on Depo Provera the week after the little witch showed up :). The depo can cause the bleeding to be erratic but have no fear, it will stop your cycles all together eventually. As someone else stated, the shower is a great place to enjoy some intimacy with your other half. My hubby would never even consider any playing when the witch was visiting before, but he is learning to live with it now ;) Amy~ Waiting IMPATIENTLY for ins approval
   — AmyLynn B.

June 5, 2003
STRESS! You need to relax and take a couple of days off from obsessing about surgery. We all do it pre-op. But seriously...TRY to take a break.
   — hooterzgirl75

June 6, 2003
Since about January...the beginning of all the tests and hoop "Friend" has been arriving later and later. I used to be like clockwork myself, every 28 days...only being late when EXTREMELY stressed the death of my father, I was 10 days late...and now I guess because of the constant stress my period is coming later and later...first 29 days, then 32, then 35, then 40...Its annoying because I can no longer say "i'm due tomorrow, better bring a pad with me when I go out" now its "Always got to carry one just in case." My OB/GYN said it could also be my weight. But I really think its stress (but...LOL...I'm listing it as a Co-morb for my insurance approval). Just go get yourself checked out, make sure you aren't pg or have an infection and then try to relax. Since you're pre-op...have a few drinks. LOL. I know the last month has been heck for me. Now I'm just waiting for insurance approval, which is stressing me out a lot. So my calendar reads "Period due" with a line going from 28 days to 40! LOL!!
   — Renee B.

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