How long before you go from 2 oz to more, Not that i am hungry or full Just curious

I had Open RNY -Distal    — lukimom (posted on May 29, 2003)

May 29, 2003
I ate 2oz if that up until my 6th month and now at 8mo post-op I still can only eat 2-3oz. sometimes I can get down 4oz.
   — Sandy M.

May 29, 2003
at 17 mos post op, i can barely manage 4 oz & if i do, i am very uncomfortable. 3 oz is my limit unless of course its soup etc. then 4 oz is ok.
   — sheryl titone

May 30, 2003
I started out eating less than 2 ounces at a sitting. By the time I was 3 months, I could eat about 3 ounces. Now, at 4-1/2 monts, I eat 2-4 ounces, depending on what I'm eating, and when I last ate. Last weekend, I ate a lamb chop and a teaspoon of peas-- that is the largest meal I've eaten since the surgery. Usually less than 2 ounces of beef jerky will fill me and keep me full for a few hours.
   — Beth S.

May 30, 2003
It depends on the consistency of the food. If its dense foods, like chicken, 2 oz is alot and it can take you a few months to work up to more from there. Things like salad chew down to nothing and you can eat alot more than 2 oz. I think a better judge is when do you feel full? As soon as you recognize the full feeling-not stuffed or uncomfortable-just full, is when you stop eating.
   — Cindy R.

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