9 days away from having WLS...Should I Do It?

I am 9 days away from having this surgery, maybe. I have a bmi of 46, I have sleep apnea. I use my cpap machine. I have no other co-morbs to speak of at this time. I am 31 years old with no children. Should I have this surgery? Anyone out there just absolutely regret having this done? Please be honest! Thank you, -Patra    — Patra R. (posted on May 21, 2003)

May 21, 2003
I'm 6-weeks post op and do not regret having the surgery. It hasn't been an easy ride by any means. But my health is worth every difficult or challenging thing I endure. I don't think anyone here can tell you if you should or shouldn't. You already know the answer to your own question. Good luck!
   — Kim L.

May 21, 2003
I was a "lightweight", too, with a BMI of 42. I do not regret having the surgery at all. I am now at goal, -125 pounds at 15 months. I would have the lap RNY every year if I needed it to remain thin and healthy like I am now. You need to look inside yourself and decide if you are willing to change your eating. With WLS, you will have the physical ability to do what you want to do emotionally. If only fear is holding you back, go for it!
   — Kathy J.

May 21, 2003
If you can answer "Yes" to the following three questions, then you should do it: 1) Have you tried every other avenue unsuccessfully, and are you convinced that there is no other solution for you. 2) Are you committed to following the required lifestyle changes as it's not a magic bullet, and you need to do your part. 3) Is obesity so affecting your quality of life, that even if you're one of the small percentage that has complications, will you still be able to say you made the right decision. If you answer yes to all of these, then this surgery can be a life changing choice. Good luck to you!
   — mom2jtx3

May 21, 2003
I am five days post op and I do not regret having WLS one bit. Go for it. It will change your life for the best that LIFE has to offer. I had a BMI of only 41. Good luck to you.
   — Gene F.

May 21, 2003
I'm 31 also, with no children. My BMI was 40 and I didn't have any major co-morbs. I still would have rathered die on the table than live the rest of my life morbidly obese. Thankfully, my surgery was a breeze and I've had no complications. I'm 8 months post-op and wear a size 6-8. I love my life and I thank God I had the opportunity to have this done. Think of all the people who truly want the surgery and can't have it.
   — Angie M.

May 21, 2003
I could not put it better than Kathy. I too would do this every year if I had to. I am 8 months post op and 17 pounds from goal, I never thought it would come off this fast. This is a great tool. Next year you will be wondering why you didn't do it sooner. RNY 9/02 was 213 now 132.
   — April G.

May 21, 2003
Hi, I am 4 mths. post-op and I have no regrets on having the surgery, yes I have had some bumps in the road after surgery but, nothing that couldn't be fixed and I definetely had to many being overweight including having sleep apnea and other health issues, but now alot has already cleared up including my sleep apnea has gotten so much better. What a difference just a few mths. so far can make. I also agree with Kim the first poster, this is up to you and what you decide will be the best decision for you. Good luck and keep us posted!
   — Melodee S.

May 21, 2003
I have no regrets. I wish I had done it 10 years sooner. I just wanted to say, be prepared for some doubts shortly after your surgery. There may be times in the short weeks afterward that you will re-think your decision. I remember waking up and thinking, "Oh my god, What have I done?!" I would just suggest to stay focused on the future during those times. Think about what it will be like to have the pounds drop off. They will! Think about what it will be like to drop clothing sizes. You will! Be prepared for some post-surgury depression or a few mood swings. Remember that it takes several weeks to begin to feel normal again. Let yourself recover and stay focused on following your program. After the initial transition, you will likely join all the people that are overjoyed about having WLS! Good luck to you!
   — Scott L.

May 21, 2003
best decision I ever made and would do it again if i had to
   — Deanna Wise

May 21, 2003
Nothing ever worth having is easy!!!!!!!!!!! This is true of WLS too. It isn't magic, it is hard work to stay on track and follow the rules. With that said I would do it again every week if I had to. I have all of my life back and I never knew I was missing anything. I was 31 when I had my surgery and I had no co morbids at all. Things went very smoothly and now here I am 125lbs thinner in just 8 short little months. Run don't walk to that operating table....your rebirthday is about to happen. Best of luck to you. Wendi Open RNY 9/19/02
   — lovemonterey

May 22, 2003
Hi I am about 4 months post-op and I would do the surgery again in a heartbeat. I had no complications but I did end up going back in for a different surgery 1 month post-op and that one I ended up with a bad infection...but even if I had to go through all that again I would because let me tell you I am not even at goal and my life had improved 100%! Good lucks to you!
   — EvningStar81

May 22, 2003
Everyone one of us probbly has had the moment of thinking about whether we should have this elective surgery - or not. You say you don't have co-morbids, but the operative words here are "at this time". What about down the road? My only regret, like the others, is not doing it sooner. Go for it and look forward to many years of health that can be waiting for you after you have the surgery. Unlike another poster, I woke up in the recovery room and had to feel around to see if they actually did do surgery, instead of wondering what I had done to myself! Lap RNY - obviously very little pain!
   — koogy

May 22, 2003
I am currently 4 months postop and down about 70 lbs. I do not regret having surgery for 1 minute. When I was in the hospital recovering I did regret it at first. I think it was because I was sore. Like Scott, all I kept thinking was "Oh my God, what did I do???", but then as time went on, I saw the pounds drop, had more energy, and was able to do things that I couldnt do in a long time, like ride on rides at the amusement park, or take a walk without having to stop every five minutes cause your back hurts. When you have your surgery you will probably go through a little bit of regretting it at first, cause your sore and you will probably have a little postop depression, but hang in there, it will get better. Ill bet 1 year from now you will probably think this was the best decision you ever made. Good Luck!
   — Kris T.

May 22, 2003
I had surgery just 3 days ago and I already know it is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I am fortunate that my surgery was also a breeze and that I have not had any complications thus far. Not once have I asked myself why. I wasn't so much afraid of dying on the table as I was of any post-op complications. I have researched enough that I know what to do to be and stay healthy and I think that knowledge is key. Good luck and don't quit're almost there!
   — Jeralyn Merideth

May 22, 2003
Just make sure you know the risks. And yes, everyone knows they can die or have a blood clot. But are you aware of every little thing that could happen? Just be informed is my best advise. I'm 1 year post-op, surpassed my goal weight and wear size 3-5. Do I regret having RNY? Not at all. But I went through a heck of alot afterwards. So just be aware and know your stuff. I think this surgery has wonderful benefits and can save lives, but it doesn't come w/o its risks. Goodluck to you :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

May 23, 2003
Patra, I am 33yrs old, married, no children yet. My BMI was 40 and I had no health problems at time of surgery besides aching knees and back. Why wait for the bomb to go off? I was only getting larger and health issues were certainly to follow. It is natural for you to feel anxiety right now. I can only tell you I have never been happier than I am today. I feel free of a lifetime of battling my weight. I want to cry when I think of how my life use to be and how my thoughts of weight consumed my life on a daily basis. I was either loosing weight, struggling to maintain that loss, or gaining weight. An endless, torturous cycle that I never believed I'd be free of. I am in the best health ever and taking pre-natal vitamins. My surgeon gave me the go ahead to get pregnant!
   — Michelle H.

May 23, 2003
Patra, I'ts normal to have doubts preop. I'm 27 yrs old, and bmi of 49.9 before surgury. You wanted to know if anyone regrets having it. There probably is, but I'll tell you how it's been for me. At 27, I weighed 291 pre op. I have several co-morbids as well. I got tired of being sick and tired, and not being able to keep up with my husband, or get in the floor and play with my niece and nephews. MO is a disease that will kill 30000 people in just one year. I decided I didn't want to be one of those people. Now, in the 4 weeks post op, it's not been a cake walk. The surgury hurt ME like he**(and it did get better and go away, and everyone does experience pain differently so my experience is not the run of the mill), and lately I've had some nausea and vommiting. Do I regret it? No. Do I regret the 26 lbs that are gone? No. I fight daily with head hunger (I'm seeing a shrink to help with dealing with the head hunger and implulse and emotional eating). I have no appitite to speak of (yeah!!!), and have to literaly eat on a scheduel. I've missed meals, and boy did I regret it. No one can make the decision for you but you, but stop and think about this. Do you want to continue living your life overweight and eventualy running the risk of developing serious complications down the road? Or do you want to take your life and make it better? WLS is NOT a cure. It is a tool that will cause weight loss, and with help, will cause the weight to be gone forever. Before I had it, I sat down and made a list of pros and cons of having it. Everytime I started to doubt my decision, I would read that list, and believe me, the pro's side is longer than the con side. Even now when I have a bad day, or seeing someone eating something I can't have, I think back on that list, and eventualy, I'll be able to have some of the foods I like from preop, just not in the quantity I had preop. I don't regret having it in the least, and if you do go thru with it, I don't thik you will either. Good luck, and God bless.
   — mellyhudel

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