After 3 years of losing, and maintaining a 200 lb wt. loss, I have gained 70 lbs sinc

e July of 02. This is very depressing. Anyone had a simlar experience, and can you share some solutions?    — jenjenviola (posted on May 13, 2003)

May 12, 2003
I guess my first question after reading your profile, is are you still eating and drinking pretty much what ever you want only in smaller portions? Does this mean your not getting a goodly amount of protein and veggies? Have you started exercising yet? I don't know how long ago you wrote your profile out, but if you are still drinking more alcohol than you should, it will pack on the weight and a lot of carbs will do it too. Have you talked to your doctor about the possibility of a SLD or a fistula having developed? Believe me, I'm not trying to point a finger here, I just am trying to show some of the things I noticed that might be out of whack here. My understanding of how WLS basically works is to give up a chance at weight-loss. In the beginning it's usually rapid and easy to lose, but after a while (how long depends on the person) we become like most people with a normal metabolism and have to remember to diet and exercise just like any NORMAL person does to keep slim and trim. If you don't D & E then odds are you will eventually put the weight back on. Anyway, hope this helps some. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 12, 2003
Ooops - that's give US a chance at weight-loss. sorry!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 12, 2003
Well i'm two years post op. I have lost about 120lbs and have been able to maintain until recently. I have gain about 30 pounds even though I still eat small amounts of food and cheat here and there, but I relized that I would be able to eat again shortly after. I had an upper GI which should the pouch to be stretch to a normal amount, so my surgeon didn't see that has the problem so he performed a proceedure which I can not remember the medical term. what he did was injet some solution to the hole of the pouch to make the hole smaller, because it seem the food was leaving the pouch to quickly. I had that done 2 weeks ago and since then i have lost 7lbs.
   — Carolyn M.

May 12, 2003
To start with you had a proximal RNY...unfortunately, over time, our intestines will compensate for the loss by becoming super-efficient. If you are grazing on high calorie foods, drinking alcoholic beverages and not exercizing, you are going to regain your weight. I have seen it happen before. I would strongly suggest a few things as we know that diets don't work. One: get youself into therapy and see why you have this bent to self-destruction. Two: get yourself to a doc that does the Duodenal Switch. More intestine is bypassed, based on factors such as genetics, etc. and Three: You may need an antidepressant if you are lacking the energy to exercize. It may be a matter of simple planning and discipline, but I remember a time when I was so depressed I had no energy to move and I was self medicating with food as it temporarily made me feel better. Get yourself to your family doc or a shrink and get screened for depression. Good Luck to you!
   — merri B.

May 13, 2003
Are you transected? I would have my doc check for a staple line disruption. Second, if your surgery is intact, try going back to the "pouch rules". There's a story there of a woman who had gained all her weight back, but by going back to the "rules" she lost it all again. Protein and veggies are our friends!!
   — mom2jtx3

May 13, 2003
Jennifer, go over to yahoo groups and look for the OSSG Graduate group-its for WLS of over a year post-op. Lots of folks there that are 3 and 4 years out that can help you with your question, but I would suggest you provide more info as to what you are eating, amounts, exercise, protein intake, water, etc so that they can help you with some solutions to help you get a handle on it now. Good luck.
   — Cindy R.

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