How much time would be reasonable for a high school teacher to take off for Lap RNY?

I am a high school math teacher and spend about 80% of the day on my feet. I want to coordinate my surgery with a scheduled holiday and sick leave, so that I will not have to take leave without pay. How long is a reasonable amount of time to expect to be out of work with a Lap RNY?    — valarien (posted on May 10, 2003)

May 10, 2003
Unless you're teaching year round school, summer break is the best time to have surgery and recuperate plus you go back to school in the Fall looking different. I had open rny on the third day of school two years ago and was back teaching high school in two and a half weeks. I was exhausted by the end of the day for a few weeks, but it was definitely doable. I would imagine with lap rny you'll recover much quicker . Good luck to you.
   — Traci H.

May 10, 2003
I am almost 5 weeks post op from a lap RNY. I was given 6 weeks paid disability from my job. My job is mostly sitting at a desk, working at a computer, and I couldn't imagine going back to work any sooner than 6 weeks. It takes ones body a long time to recouperate from this major sugery. I am still fighting nausea and I am pretty tired quite often. In my opinion, take as much time as you can without jeopardizing your job or financial situation. Good Luck!
   — J. Wilkinson

May 10, 2003
hi there good luck on your up coming surgery. one teacher at my kids elementary school only took off two weeks and did good, and she's doing great. as for me i work at a grocery store as a checker and had open rny and was so sick the first six weeks i could hardly stand it. my husband took off two weeks just to take care of me. i was so tired and nauseated i could barely function. some people have a hard time in the begining getting in anything to eat and it's hard to get your liquids in but it's hard to estimate how one will feel. even though i had mine done open it wasn't a pain problem that kept me down. anyways that's my two cents i wish you the best of luck and speedy recovery, kimberly open distal rny 11/12/02 -95lbs
   — kimberly T.

May 10, 2003
Everyone has different recuperation times and responses to pain, but I think that many patients find themselves to be pretty functional a couple of weeks after lap RNY. I have a full-time office position which requires a moderate amount of walking throughout the day. I returned to work in 8 days and felt more tired than usual at the end of the day, but otherwise had no problems. My younger daughter also had lap RNY and returned to teaching a classroom of 3 year olds full-time at 14 days. She was careful to observe the surgeon's restrictions not to lift more than 15 pounds for the first six weeks, and also had no problems at all. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

May 10, 2003
An important component to healing after this surgery is the side effects of anesthesia. I was PHYSICALLY able to return to work within 15 days of open RNY. However--it was with DECREASED MENTAL CAPACITY--I was disorganized in thought, unable to focus, forgetful, unable to articulate as well as pre-op--really scared me. I needed time to excrete the anesthesia--lap RNY is still 2 hours of anesthesia time--and you may want to consider that in your decision making. Being a math teacher--you may have the answer book--but c'mon you know those kids are going to stump you!! Wait for summer break--a clean 4-6 weeks off. Those winter and spring breaks are just a little too hurried. Good Luck!!
   — Wannabe A.

May 11, 2003
Unfortunately, everyone is different and you have no clue how you're going to react, if there will be no complications etc. If all goes well with no complications, I'd say, take 2 weeks off, during those 2 weeks have the kids work on group or solo math project presentations and when you come back have them get up to make their presentations to the class for the next week or 2. That way you can sit during most of the class, the kids are doing their presentations (which you can make really fun for them as well as educational) and no one really knows that you're still getting some rest. Good luck and God bless!
   — Kimberly L.

May 11, 2003
Obviously it really depends on how you're feeling. I'm a School Psychologist and I took off during the school year for 3 weeks with my Open RNY. I'm running all over the schools and traveling as much as 120+ miles two days per week to provide services in other districts. A Title 1 teacher had Open RNY over Spring Break this year and she took 2 full weeks off and then came back 1/2 days the 3rd week. She told me that her concern was having to do recess duty (obviously not a concern for high school). As much as I understand other people saying to do it over summer break, I say do it when you can. We have sick leave for a reason and if we continue to let people believe that our surgeries CAN wait until summer, it perpetuates that it is not a medical concern. I had mine September 20...a HUGE date in SPED, student count day for monies in the district. The other thing is that many of us don't have the opportunity to have a choice of when we can have surgery, we're excited to get ANY date. :-) If you are going to schedule around a holiday break shoot for the ones that are already a week long then get the next 10 days off, such as Spring Break or Christmas (our district has 2 weeks off) or Thanksgiving (our district has the Wednesday before, so it's short 2 days, but good timing). Obviously none of my experience is with Lap RNY, but one would assume that you could get back to work much quicker or within 3 weeks IF you're feeling better after surgery. You could always plan for 3-4 weeks off and if you come back sooner you'll seem like a Goddess for doing so well with your principal. :-) Good luck in whatever decision you make!
   — Click

May 11, 2003
As stated previously everyone is different. I am a vice principal and I was only off seven actual school days. I managed pretty well, but I was definately tired after my long days. It only took a couple of weeks to get back to normal. Actually better than normal because I was lucky enough to lose about 10-15 lbs. the first week or so out. Something about a big weight loss makes you feel pretty good. Of course summer or off track time are ideal times to be off. But I couldn't wait. Good Luck with your surgery.
   — igot2lose

May 11, 2003
I teach special ed and am also on my feet most of the day. I had my surgery on President's Day and had that first week off, then took 2 more weeks for my Lap RNY. I was healed enough, but was pretty tired. Iw ould have loved 1 more week. Best of luck!
   — Fixnmyself

May 11, 2003
I'm a middle school math teacher and took the first three weeks of school off last year. Could have easily gone back in two. Good luck!
   — jen41766

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