I have numbness in my lower back . Any one else have this happen?

I was in the hospital for 3 months due to many complications after surgery 5/17/02. Among other things I developed severe bed sores. My bottom had no feeling all across from left to right where the bed sores were. Now the numbness is moving up to about my waist right along my spine. I know there was nerve damage from the bed sores and the lengthy stay in a hospital bed. I have visited my chiropracter several times with no relief. My PCP says feeling should eventually come back.He also said the rapid weight loss caused the center of gravity to change on my skeletal system. Just wondered if any one else experienced any thing like this? It feels so weird and my tail bone really hurts. I have tried exercises to strenghen my back, but this increases the tingling sensations. Please give suggestions. I checked the library and couldn't find anything similar to this.    — cfstevens (posted on April 16, 2003)

April 16, 2003
I am so sorry for the complications you had and the time you spent in the hospital...that must have been quite difficult. As far as the numbness goes...I guess I'm not sure why it would keep spreading further up your back, but the tingling sounds like those nerves are trying to grow back...which unfortunately may take six months or longer. I had/have a similar issue with my right thigh...aparantly where they put the grounding patch during surgery, that has been more of an annoyance than most of the RNY recovery/learning process altogether. When I talked to my doctor he said that the nerves will grow back in time (six months or more) and durning that time that I would continue to experience varying degrees of numbness...or even worse tingling...which sometimes turns into electrical shock like pains. I hope this helps at least some. Good luck with your recovery and weight loss.
   — eaamc

April 16, 2003
I am so sorry for your complications, just proves the point that this surgery is not all peaches and cream and skinny butts! lol Anyway, I did have numbness in certain areas of my body including back and a spot on my leg. It was very weird but when they started tingling it was not long before the feeling came back. My doc and surgeon both told me this is common because nerves are moved around and can be injured, etc.. I got feeling totally back in about 4 months in all numb spots. I do not think excercise will help because it is probably nerves. My doc was not worried about it and it kind of irritated me but I learned that it happens a lot and that was why he was so unconcerened. Take care of yourself and I hope that you are now getting well. **13 mths PO, -200lbs, crt wgt 123**
   — smedley200

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