I am concerned about body odors
There was a lady on Oprah today. She was talking about Gastric By-Pass surgery. She said she was approved for it 3 years ago. She went to one of the required meetings and decided not to have the surgery when she heard about some of the side affects. I know there are A LOT out there. But the one that made her decide not to have it was body oder. I know that your body goes through a lot the first year after WLS. But she made it sound like the BO is absolutely unbareable. And she also made it sound like you have this the rest of your life. She commented on the gas we will experience due to GBS. I know there is a lot of gas. But everyone has gas. Well she let these reasons stop her from having WLS. My question is, Is the body oder and gas really that bad??? Should I be reconsidering my surgery? I kind of agree with her theory. I would rather be overweight then to smell horrible 24/7, for the rest of my life. I would like to hear from those who saw this show. What do you think about what she said? Those of you that did not see the show, what have your post-op eperiences been like? Is this a major side affect? Should I even be waisting my time worrying about this? Feel free to email me if you would like, [email protected] I go for my revisit at BTC on 4/24. This will be my last visit before I go back for my pre-op testing. Thanks for any advice you can give me. — Maria S (posted on April 12, 2003)
April 11, 2003
I USED to sweat so bad, take 2 showers daily in the summer and have BO if I
wasnt constrantly doing this. All from sweating so bad. POOF weight gone
odor gone. Early on duiring ketosis a little bad breathe is normal but that
goes away fast. Its actually a sign your burning fat, a great thing.:)
Theres a lot of bad info out there, and this is bogus.
— bob-haller
April 11, 2003
I think this woman must have been referring to the BPD/DS, and not the RNY
(although I'm sure there are DSers out there who smell fine), because she
was definitely a candidate for the DS. I'm almost 4 mos post-op RNY and
down about 60 lbs. (50 more to go). I asked my husband to tell me if I ever
started to smell, and he's told me that I smell the same as before, even a
bit better. Of course, you're going to have ketosis breath when you're
losing substantial amounts of weight (whether you do it surgically or not),
but that will pass once your weight stabilizes. In the meantime, there are
lots of things you can do for bad breath! I wouldn't let this episode of
Oprah put you off WLS. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself.
— Patricia E.
April 11, 2003
I'll tell you something. The thing that I've been most surprised about
during this adventure (I'm 5 1/2 months post) is how EASY its been. Now, I
know I've been lucky, and some aren't. But, that being said: I've had no
funky odors, no hair loss, my teeth are fine, no complications, no side
effects. NOTHING. I feel great. GREAT. I don't dump -- but I stay away
from sugar completely. I saw the show, I've heard stories about odors. I
don't know anyone who has had the surgery who smells funny. If you're
still nervous after reading these answers, though, talk to your surgeon.
He/she knows best.
— Tamara K.
April 11, 2003
It's true when one farts one smells bad. When one is burnning fat one's
breath smells bad. And last but not least when one burns calories and
sweats one gets BO!!!! Now that we (all humankind) are in the same boat
what to do? Bathe brush your teeth and use deorderant!! Good Lux
— Robert L.
April 11, 2003
I have never had any strange odors since my RNY, at least my husband and
kids havent said anything. I heard that to before the surgery, but really I
feel no different than I did before the surgery, except a lot smaller and a
lot happier. Take care and good luck. RNY 9/02 was 213 now 137.
— April G.
April 11, 2003
I didn't see the episode, but for once, I'd like Oprah to let someone with
a positive WLS story on her show. Just once. I've heard there are 80,000
members on this website. I think we should all send her a friendly request
to show a more balanced view. K
— Kimberly S.
April 11, 2003
P.S. My farts smell like roses. (smile)
— Kimberly S.
April 12, 2003
My husband said that my breath was pretty bad for the first few weeks.
Made me really unhappy. It seems to be stabilizing now. I just bought
those Listerine breath things (the ones that melt in your mouth). I had
Lap RNY almost 8 weeks ago. Wouldn't change a thing!
— Fixnmyself
April 12, 2003
I am a person with just the opposite on the gassy issue. I was incredibly
gasious pre-op. Inherited my Dad's intestinal tract and it's to say the
least pretty bad. I have found that I can eat things now like chili, Beans
atc that would have pre-op cleared the room within the next few hours with
absolutely zer gas from it. I think before the quantity I was consuming
made the problem and now that I eat alot less it gets digested and expelled
and doesn't build up a gas layer while it's sitting. My DH has been more
than pleased with that little "SIDE EFFECT" LOL. No BO issue Pre
or Post Op so no experience there. Good Luck. In my opinion it would be a
small price to pay even if it were 100% accurate. Just my 2 cents. Penny
Collins 07/31/02 257/246/166.5/140? 5'3"
— pcollin4
April 12, 2003
Good news, one of our long term post ops named sue has just been called by
the Oprah show. She has been on the cover of people and more. She is down
300 lbs. I know she can handle Oprah and I will try to keep this updated
as to time.
— faybay
April 12, 2003
Boy I HAD to post to this one! I saw the Oprah show also. First of all
this lady was VERY happy being who she was! I felt she was trying to
justify herself and her situation. I am 5 1/2 months post op, down 127 lbs
and have no problems with body odor or bad breath. Before WLS I was
obsessive/compulsive about good hygiene and I remain so. This woman SO
grossed me out with her MISinformation. I work with an office of people
who are on the Atkins diet. Talk about SMELLLLLLLLLLY. Ketosis can cause
body odor and bad breath. If you are eating properly (a proper balance of
carbs, fats, and PROTEIN first, you don't have actual ketosis. I have
heard some people say ketosis is the burning of fat. Not EXACTLY true.
Maybe ketosis is the improper burning of something or other. Your body
chemistry must be in order to burn FAT. If you are burning FAT properly,
you are NOT in a state of ketosis. I don't think ketosis is what you want.
Anyway, I am in a LARGE support group of WLS post ops, and body odor and
bad breath are NOT issues, believe me. Like one poster down below
mentioned, there are foods I can eat now that I never could before. Beans
and cabbage used to cause me great discomfort. I can now tolerate these
foods without the 'residule' affect.
Yes, I can finally say it now...THIS IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE FOR
MYSELF! It works and I am happier and MORE importantly, I am HEALTHIER! I
hope we can inundate Oprah (who I dearly love) with letters of the positive
nature regarding WLS. GO SISTERS AND BROTHERS! ;)
— Ginger M.
April 12, 2003
I think there are a few things to consider...first fat people (like me)
have BO in general just from having some many spots on their body that
don't get a lot of air (ie rolls etc)...bathing 1-2 times a day should
really help. And after surgery...assuming you aren't living on garlic and
are bathing every shouldn't stink. You may break stinky wind for
a while...but hey, I do that now!!!
— Renee B.
April 12, 2003
Hi everyone! I am the original poster. I would like to say thank you to
everyone who took the time to answer my question. I feel much better now.
I have read posts on here before that discussed bad breath, body oder, and
gas. But none of the questions or answers ever made it seem like it was a
major issue. And after seeing that woman on Oprah, I got a little worried.
That is why I turned to all of you on here. I knew I would get a great
answer! Thanks so much everyone. I think I am going to send Oprah a nice
little email and tell her what I thought of that woman's story. Anyone
else planning to email Oprah? Have a great weekend everyone!
— Maria S
April 12, 2003
Hi there I saw the show yesterday too. It's so funny you asked about this.
I said to myself what is the lady talking about, I never heard that before.
Plus I would think you would smell much worse at 389lbs then 130lbs. I'm
sorry for that woman, but please don't reconsider your surgery I wouldn't
change having the surgery for anything. As far as gas I haven't had any gas
except when I use the toliet and my Mom is a registered nurse and I asked
her if I smell and she said no. You keep on going you will be thrilled I'm
3 wks post op and lost 25lbs already and I feel Fantastic. God Bless you,
Take care!
— kel369
April 12, 2003
I saw that and was wondering what the heck she was talking about?? I am
about 9 months post-op and I do not have foul body smells...sometimes I
fart more than usual (certain foods) but if I chew up a few Gas-X (like
most normal people do when they have gas) I am fine! Also, I think she was
using that as an excuse because 1. she was not fully informed on the
different types of procedures 2.was afraid and made gassiness her excuse. I
mean, come on...being gassy is not the worst thing that has ever happened
to anyone...being fat can be though! I mean, I would rather weigh the
proper weight and float air biscuits once in a while than walk around in
pain, risking my health. Anyhow, that's my take on it. Do not worry about
this trivial thing. start weight: 253.5 current: 160 goal: 125
— missmollyk
April 12, 2003
OMG I saw that too and almost fell off the couch, what a pitiful excuse she
had for chickening out. IMHO- that's a rediculous excuse. I am 5 months
post op and smell wonderful because I am no longer marinating in my own
sweat!!! Geesh, think she smells pretty at 380+? As for the gas, ok,
yeah, you're gonna get gas, but don't you get gas now? Ans as for the
bathroom problems, ok, so we malabsorb which means our pooh smells
foul--sorry to be graphic but I paid a lot of money for foul smelling pooh
and I am not ashamed of it. To me, that means my surgery is working.
Here's what I do. I keep a can of air freshener and pack of matches in the
bathroom for when I go. Give me a break, if that's the best excuse she
could give her self to rationalize it, that's fine, but be honest and say I
got scared or afraid. Honestly, how lame and I expected more since she
spent a year being "HONEST" on camera. Ha. I bet Oprah ate that
comment up since Oprah hates WLS.
— Mrs. Rich
April 12, 2003
oh wow what a load of crap!! i am almot 4 months post op and babylove i
do not have any kinda body odor going on. except maybe after i work out at
the gym!! but i shower and use personal hygeine products and do not have
b.o. i am the mother of 2 teenage females and if i have any kinda odor
going on they would tell me!!! as far as passing gas..sure post op i was
fluffing a bit but it was not a long term side a matter of fact
my bm's do not smell as bad i think due to my better eating habits..i
missed the oprah show but from what i am reading i really did not miss
anything worthwhile!
post op i feel better about myself and at almost 4 months i am down appx scent is miracle, by lancomb..i love the scent and my surgery
was a miracle!! good luck
— nan K.
April 12, 2003
I had the BPD/DS and I have NO body odor/bad breath problems. I am 2 years
post-op. Sure my BM's and gas stink, but really...... who's doesn't???
LoL I do NOT have an excessive amount of gas either. I for one, KNOW I
smell a heck of a lot better now then I ever could've at over 300lbs when I
couldn't even reach my own a$$!!!
— S M.
April 12, 2003
I'm 4 months post, and I smell better than I did when I was 50lbs heavier!
As for poop smelling pretty, mine NEVER did. It still smells like POOP! No
better, no worse. And since I don't poop around other people, it's only
hazardous to ME. LOL! Don't let that misinformation bother you a bit.
— Diana L.
April 12, 2003
My gas was much worse preop than it is postop. In fact, I don't have a lot
of gas post op. However, due to ketosis I must have breath mints with me
at all times and I do need to use deordorent every day. Before surgery I
rarely had to use deordorent, showering once a day and using a deordorent
soap was enough. However, it's not like I'm a big smelly mess if I don't
use deordorent and carry breath mints, it's that I become more
self-conscious about being too near other people. I think this is a small
price to pay for the benefits of weight loss. If this person didn't have
surgery for this reason, she's just making excuses.
— susanje
April 12, 2003
I don't know where that person got that info, but I think she's nuts.
Perhaps this can happen to some people but I doubt it. The only BO I had
problems with was all the constant "farting around" for 6-8
months post op. But it was'nt anything I could'nt control so if I felt one
coming on, I just go somewhere private and "toot my own horn".
If this lady could be persuaded from GBS because of this, then good. I
don't think she would have been a good canidate. There are to many life
changes and we have to know in our heart that there is no other way and be
willing to make those changes. Some changes are not hard, and others can be
very difficult.
— Danmark
April 12, 2003
Hi there, Rosalind! That is so far-fethced! In all the research I did for
the surgery, I never saw that listed as a "common", or even a
rare, side effect or serious problem. I wonder how many people out there
never fart in their lives and consider it the strangest thing in the world.
This is not directed at you, but just a general comment. Poop is poop, it
(a great majority of the time) IS going to smell, as with gas. I have to
admit that my gas is smellier now than pre-op, but I truly feel that is due
to the fact that I eat animal protein now. Prior to surgery I was a vegetarian, and although, I did fart and
it smelled, it is smellier now. As far as my breath, you can ask my
family, it RARELY smells. The only time it did a little was when I was on
antibiotics. And body odor, it was the same, after I came home from the
hospital was when I smelled, from all the drugs coming out of my system.
But actually I think I smell better now than before. I don't sweat like I
used to when I was 300plus pounds. And I think I would rather be a little
smelly post-op, and fix that with perfume, showers and deordorant, than be
miserable, unhealthy, unhappy and overweight. Vi open RNY 9/23/02 down 123
— Vi F.
April 12, 2003
Hello there-Just thought I was add my 2 cents to this question as I have
posted many about Gas after surgery-read my profile (it is quite long)
because since 10 months post op I suff unbearable
gas-toxic,lethal,potent,embarrasing,stressful,however you want to phrase
it. YES we all have gas, normal part of life-in my research on this it
claims an average person passes gas up to 15 times a day! However, for me,
its much more and it is not like the gas I used to have. That used to me a
slight blushing and an "Excuse me" and it would be done and over
with. Now its SBD (which I think most of us know what those are), and it
lingers forever. The worst part-new job, lots of travel-airplanes, small
meeting rooms (kinda hard to hide it there). Enough said. It makes life
very hard and I have a very difficult time with it, and it makes me wonder
if I knew this would happen would I have gone through with it-most times I
still say Hell yes-but there are days/meetings/chance encounters that are
ruined and it makes me think twice. Needless to say I am single too because
I fear this secret getting out.....I was dating someone but I sent him away
anytime my stomach started up again so he never found out had bad it really
is. Don't mean to scare you, but for me anyway,gas is a huge issue. Body
Odor however I only experience after I run my 8 miles at the gym!
— Alli B.
April 13, 2003
Gas or no Gas I'm still having my surgery! Heck I had tons of gas when I
was pregnant, why should now be any different? LOL
— Beverly S.
April 15, 2003
For the first time in my 17 year marriage, I'm able to give back to my
husband the gas he gives me! I've never been one to have really bad gas, so
he was always killing me. Now I have my own ammo! It is offensive, but it
wouldn't be as fun for me if it wasn't. I can, however, say that it isn't
an issue in public, and I work in the school system. My body odor is not
offensive, my husband is constantly telling me that I smell good when he
hugs me. There are meds that can help with the odors, both inside and out.
Soooo, don't let the odor issue stop you. I'd rather be able to enjoy life
than be heavy like I was. I have let other peoples opinions rule my life
for too long.
— wiggie34
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