2 weeks out with stabbibg pain
I am 2 weeks out from open RNY . Last week I developed a stabbing pain in my inscion .. Its not constant .. seems to hurt when I turn a certain way or go to sit or stand .. Does anyone remember this .. IT feels like it would feel if I had torn something .. but like I said ..its not constant .. I am hoping its just muscles pulling and healing ..Has anyone else experienced this .. Ruthie N SC — ruthie (posted on April 7, 2003)
April 7, 2003
Hi. I still have stabbing pain periodically (just over 5 weeks out). I
think it is your body healing. Other people I know have had it (from other
surgeries too) and as long as it is fairly fleeting, you probably don't
need to worry.
— Kendra S.
April 7, 2003
Ruthie, this can be a common thing for a few reasons. For one, it could be
gas inside, I know you didn't have lap, but you can still have the air
inside. So although it feels like your incision, it coule be internal gas
trapped. Also, stomach muscles were cut to get to your intestines and
stomach, and that can be the longest healer, where you can feel sore for
weeks or months afterwards, even though everything else feels fine. If you
are worried or it continues to be really painful, I would call your
surgeon, it never hurts to ask! Feel better!
— Lezlie Y.
November 9, 2009
hi i am 5 days out and i have like a stab or kind of a burning sinsation
when i get up or turn a certin way its on my left side it feels like
muscules so im hoping it goesaway but even pain meds isnt taking the edge
off that one i hope it gets better for you to
— kc5018
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