can you drink to much skim milk a day?

   — Kelli S. (posted on March 31, 2003)

March 31, 2003
It may have no fat but it sure does have sugar. Watch it.
   — Kimberly L.

March 31, 2003
In my opinion Yes you can. I found that I was drinking cups per day and I stopped losing I finally started again after I started tracking my intake. I was drinking a ton of calories in the milk and then eating too. I am 7-8 months out and I can eat alot more than I could early on. It took a while before I could figure out the plateau that I stayed on for 2 months but once I began to track my food intake I found I was getting plenty of protein without the milk and tons of calories from it. I was also off the wagon on crunchy snacks and sweets but even when I elimnated those for a month it didn't jump start my loss. The milk elimination seemed to though. Good luck. Just my experiece. LAP RNY 07/31/02 5'3" (300/243/167/???)
   — pcollin4

March 31, 2003
For a while - like a month and a half after my surgery (Jan. 13, 2003), mild and apple juice were the only two things I could drink without getting nauested. I asked my doctor about it and he told me to stop drinking milk and apple juice and concentrate on drinking zero calorie drinks (water, Crystal Light, etc). It really had slowed down my weight loss. While, I cannot completely not drink milk I do now try not to drink as much. Only a couple of ounces a day or every other day. I have not purchased any more apple juice, though. He says that milk (any kind, skim, whole whatever) will turn to fat and really slow the process of losing weight. I am now working at not drinking so much milk and I am going to purchase some calcium supplements in the near future in the hopes of curbing the craving for calcium in the form of milk. I hope this helps you. Good luck on your journey - Daphine (-40 pounds, down from 24/26 to 14/16 since January 13, 2003).
   — Daphine C.

March 31, 2003
my doc allows NO milk until one year out. I am not a big milk drinker anyhow.
   — Delores S.

March 31, 2003
Everyone is going to have a different answer to this, but, yes, of course you can drink too much (90 calories per cup!). However, my surgeon recommends drinking 3-4 cups of skim milk per day (no more, no less). As always, ask your surgeon's opinion to be sure. Good luck!!
   — Teresa W.

March 31, 2003
Our docs forbid milk (any kind) for life. After reading the label, I concur. Haven't had milk for almost 9 years. And NO ONE drank more milk than me pre-op.
   — vitalady

March 31, 2003
I only use skim milk to mix with my protein shake powder, approximately 10 to 12 oz/day. Not that I couldn't have more, but I try to drink no calorie liquids to meet my daily fluid quota of 8 cup/day. As the others have said, watch the sugar. There may be better choices for you!
   — Fixnmyself

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