Has anyone else felt they would only lose three sizes?

Is it just me? I am 401 lbs. and pre op with date scheduled. Deep down I feel like I will only lose a few sizes. Like go down from a 5x to a 3 or 2x. I am afraid that my clothing sizes will always have an x in them. Am I the only one that feels or has felt this way?    — Sara W. (posted on March 14, 2003)

March 14, 2003
Sweetie, ALL of us probably feel that way at some point! I also think that I'm starting at 3x but I'll probably level out at a 1x. And I see living proof in all of my surgery buddies how are into 14s, 12s and lower....We have failed so often at losing weight that deep inside it just feels like nothing is changed, so why is this any different. I started at 362 pds, not far from you and right now I've lost 60 pds in three months. I'm not hungry, ever - for now. But know that will pass. I think that I will be happy in any 'normal' size that doesn't have an 'x' in it...I'd be thrilled with a six or an eight, but also realize that just with 60pds gone I'm not breathing heavy and am going to be healthier. Good luck and this will pass once you have your surgery and see the results.
   — Susan F.

March 14, 2003
Hi dear... I felt that way too! I thought, watch, I will be the only person to lose 20 lbs and stop. I started out a 388 (5-11 in height). I was wearing a TIGHT 34!!! I just went to the store yesterday and got a 22!!!!!!! I am only 4 months out (on the 19th of this month), minus 80+ lbs. and I am still losing! Buying clothes off the rack at Wal-Mart is so much fun. I hated having to go to specialty shops for us big people! You can/will do it! Believe in the surgery and even more important, believe in YOURSELF! Kisses,
   — brendalsz

March 14, 2003
Sara, I understand how you feel. We have all felt that way one time or another. My surgery was 1 year ago and I am 120 pounds lighter. I am in a size 9, which I haven't seen that size since I was 17...I am 49 now. Good luck.
   — Robin G.

March 14, 2003
Sara, I understand how you feel. We have all felt that way one time or another. My surgery was 1 year ago and I am 120 pounds lighter. I am in a size 9, which I haven't seen that size since I was 17...I am 49 now. Good luck.
   — Robin G.

March 14, 2003
Hi , I only feel this way every 10 min.! I am pre-op and I am constanly thinking that I will be the one it doesnt work for. But then I come here and read about all the hundreds of people just like you and me that have been through it and had great success and I realize its just the "pre-op jitters" We will both be fine, we just have to stick to the plan everyone here has been telling us will work! Best of luck to you!
   — Lindsay F.

March 14, 2003
Sara, I've felt that way more than a few times since my surgery. I started out at 307 pounds and now weigh 191. I wore a tight size 26/28. Last weekend I went shopping for my first few items of clothes. I was amazed to fit into a size 14. All I can say is have faith in yourself and you will get there. It may take a while but be patient. Good luck. :o)
   — Jennifer A.

March 14, 2003
I think that way all the time. A few months ago my only hope was that I would be in an 18 when I went on vacation at the end of March. I couldn't fathom being that size...I was in a 24/22 at the time. Now here it is and I am in a 16/18. I completely skipped size 20 (and I don't miss it a bit!) You'll do great if you follow the rules: protein, vitamins, water and exercise! -- Jen, rny 11/12
   — Mrs. Rich

March 14, 2003
Absolutely! My goal when I had the surgery was to get to a 1X and that seemed like an impossible dream. I now wear size 6 and it just blows my mind. I'll actually start to giggle in stores because it just cracks me up that that's the size I am now. After years of getting the largest X sizes I could find and in most cases having to shop from catalogs because stores just didn't carry sizes large enough, it is pure joy to try on clothes and have them be too big or just not my style. Who knew I even had a style? So don't worry , you'll find the same thing when the weight comes off.
   — Traci H.

March 14, 2003
Sara, your fears are normal, but I assure you this will not be the case. I started in 28 jeans and at 118 pound loss, I'm in 16's and 18's. I completely skipped over 24's because I was wearing the big clothes and hadn't realized I was smaller. Keep in mind that if you have areas that are larger, like hips or thighs, this may hender the sizes a little. I had really big hips in the beginning and though they are incredibly smaller, I am sure I would be in a size smaller if not for them!.....Good luck to you!......Karen (lap rny- almost 6 months post-op)
   — karmiausnic

March 14, 2003
I understand how you feel, but let me tell you my experience. I started out at 405 lbs and a pretty tight 5x. I had my surgery on 12/26, a little less than 3 months ago. I am already down to a 3x....I'm not losing as fast as alot of people our size do, but I have lost about 50 or so pounds. Trust me, you'll be down to 3x before you know it...size 26/28 clothes. AND they have some VERY CUTE size 26/28 clothes. =) email me if you have any questiosn.
   — thekatinthehat

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