Is it normal?

I am exactly 1 month post-op. I weigh myself every 5 days. In the last 15 days I have lost 1 lb. All together I have lost 31 lbs. Is this normal or am I on a plateau? Please help.    — Paula G. (posted on February 21, 2003)

February 21, 2003
You could be getting on a plateau. My first one was 4 weeks post op. I noticed that I lose weight one week a month and don't lose the other three weeks. That's the cycle of my weight loss so far. I am 7 months post op now and have not lost any weight this last month. My doc told me to expect a big plateau at this point so I'm not worried about it. I only have 13 pounds to go to goal weight so I figure I have plenty of time to lose the other 13.
   — Darlene P.

February 22, 2003
You're definately normal! It's actually extremely common to get your 1st plateau at 3 weeks out, and you beat that by a couple week! You're body is catching up, it went through some major changes and lost alot of weight in a few weeks, so now it's stabilizing again. You'll be losing again in no time! if you want to try and speed it up a little, try adding 10 more grams of protein a day, increase your water and walk a little if you can. (I know you're still very new post-op, so exercising may not work right now- so don't worry too much about that!) 31lbs. in 5 weeks is great weight loss- congrats to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 22, 2003
Kudos to you for only weighing every 5 days!! Some of us are daily slaves to the scale...your fine and right on target. Most of us have our first mini-plateau at about 3 weeks post-op that can last a few weeks or a month. Its just the bodys way of trying to play catch up. Just keep up what your doing and before you know it, the weight loss will pick up again.
   — Cindy R.

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