Anyone used liquid calcium

Good morning! has anyone used the "drinkable calcium"? it is calcium citrate, 1200mg and is 100% bioavailable, and is imeadiatly absorbed. I asked this question a couple of days ago and it hasnt been posted yet. Sorry if I overlooked it.:0)    — wizz46 (posted on February 20, 2003)

February 20, 2003
Yes and it was the most disgusting thing, other than the phosphosoda, I have ever drank! I couldn't even get one dose down it was soo gross so I went out and bought a pill instead. The kind I am referring to was the brand called "drinkables" and was supposedly vanilla bean flavor and a little pricey. So, I am happy with my pills, I haven't had any problems taking them as of yet. My doc even told me that a liquid calcium would be gross and to just take a pill instead. Guess I should have listened to her that time.
   — Dee ,.

February 20, 2003
I use liquid Calcium and well the taste wasn't great, I did get use to it - It's Bluebonnet liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate, orange flavor and well it's a little pricey, it has worked great for me. Two tbls give me 1000 mg of calcium plus it has the vit. d and magnesium the only down side for some may be that it has 2.5 gr of sugar - but I don't have a problem with that. I found it at Vitamin Cottage.
   — Julie H.

February 20, 2003
Rosemary, you don't give the brand name of the calcium you are taking, and there many liquid calciums out there. How do you know it is immediately absorbed and 100 percent bioavailable (and what the heck does that mean??). Are you reading this off the label? I've been told not to take more than 500 mg of calcium at a time as that is all the system can absorb at one time and that we need elemental calcium citrate. I was taking a liquid calcium once that had 750 mg of calcium citrate per tablespoon and when I called the company to find out how much of that is elemental I was told only 250 mg of it. I was shortchanging myself.
   — Cindy R.

February 20, 2003
I use Tropical Oasis liquid calcium citrate/magnesium, which I think tastes great- it is orange flavored. I have trouble making myself take the pills, so this was a good option for me.
   — Melissa F.

February 20, 2003
I take a liquid calcuim citrate that is blueberry flavored. It has 750mg of calcuim per TBS plus magniusum and Vit D. I buy it at It is very good.
   — Kelly T.

February 20, 2003
I agree with the first poster: the Drinkables brand was . . . Really I can't even find a word to describe how utterly disgusting it was. I nearly hurled. And I am NOT kidding. I do take liquid calcium. I think the brand is Nature's Source or something. I get it from My favorite flavor is the lemon custard--tastes like lemon yogurt to me. The blueberry is OK and has more calcium per tablespoon. Didn't care much for the strawberry. I do sometimes take the tablets and have found that the Target rip-off of Citrical + D is tapered at both ends and is much easier to swallow than the Citrical tablets.
   — ctyst

February 20, 2003
The website is, and that is the brand name. All the info is listed there, as well as on the bottle it self.
   — wizz46

February 20, 2003
It was sooooooo gross! I can tolerate many things, but this was absolutely disgusting! Just my opinion! :) Good luck!
   — Lynette B.

February 20, 2003
I just started taking OsteoMax. It is an effevescent tablet that dissolves in 3 ounces of water. It has a slight orange flavor, and with the bubbles, it reminds me of orange-flavored seltzer (others have said it tastes like Tang, but I haven't had that since I was a kid, so I can't say for sure). It is calcium citrate, and each tablet is 500 mg of elemental calcium, making it 100% absorbable. It's a little on the pricy side (I bought an 8 week supply on the internet for $50), but I hate taking those citrate horse pills. This too is 100% bioavailable. I take 2 a day, once just before lunch, and the other just before I leave work.
   — Cyndie K.

February 20, 2003
Oh - and for the person who ask what bioavailability is: that refers to how much is available for absorbtion by our bodies. Calcium that is only soluble by gastric acid (such as calcium carbonate)typically only has a bioavailablity of 50% - so you would need to take 1000mg for the body to be able to absorb 500mg. And that's for people who have gastric acid - which RNYer's generally don't have. If something says it is 100% bioavailable, it means that it is entirely absorbed by the body.
   — Cyndie K.

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