What constitutes a

What is considered slow & normal weight lose after a Lap RNY?    — Paula G. (posted on February 11, 2003)

February 11, 2003
I don't think there is an answer to this. It depends on how much you weigh to start with and it wouldn't matter whenther you had lap or open, you would lose at whatever rate is normal for you. Everyone loses at a different rate, even those who start at the same height, weight/age etc. And everyone has a different definition of slow. You see people post here who lament that have only lost X number of pounds in X number of weeks or months, and the amounts are all different.
   — Cindy R.

February 11, 2003
Well, it really REALLY depends on your starting weight. Someone that weighs 500 pounds is going to lose faster than someone that weighs 250 pounds. My surgeon told me that normally people lose about 25 pounds the first month. But of course, everyone is different! :o)
   — fropunka

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