Is it true that we age or look older after WLS?

I'm embarrassed to ask this question, it seems kind of stupid to worry about! However, I'm a 41 year old woman, BMI 56. I've been overweight all my life. With a face that always has looked far younger than I am. I'm aware that I have alot of fat filling in those this a given with WLS? Do we have to "look older"? I'm pursuing WLS for health reasons, and quality of life...but....I'm a little nervous about this part! Perhaps I'm shallow...but is increased aging or looking older just a part of WLS? Please tell me I'm not the only one that has worried about this!    — Karen F. (posted on February 10, 2003)

February 9, 2003
I actually look younger. Yes, over the course of the last three years I have gained some wrinkles and do look a little older (which I attribute to the sudden death of my parents a week apart), and I do have a waddle under my chin, but it is slowly going away too. But I move with more ease and grace, am more athletic and vibrant. So, I guess it will depend on what you choose to focus on.
   — merri B.

February 9, 2003
I think some people do look older. But I think MOST look younger. Here was my theory - Alot of overweight people don't take care of their skin (At least I Didn't) very soon after surgery (because I had seen so many before and after pictures where the people looked older) I went and bought some REALLY GOOD skin care products and started using them FAITHFULLY. I am not sure, but I think it has helped. I use an anti gravity lotion along with a skin repair lotion. Hope this helps!!
   — Sharon H.

February 9, 2003
Interesting question.. I've noticed when I look at before and after pictures here.. sometimes I think WOW! s/he looks ten years younger in their after pictures.. however, when I look in the mirror.. I think an old woman is starring back at me.. so I feel like I'm looking older. Like most things with WLS its different for each person I guess... maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones? ps... I wouldn't trade back my "old woman" for my 130 pounds lost... these things tend to not matter after awhile.
   — Lisa C.

February 9, 2003
After the initial fast weight loss stage, your skin needs a little time to catch up. If you're taking your vitamins and protein religiously, your skin will fill out a little better over time. Some times we do need a little help from our friends (plastic surgeons), but I'm now 3 1/2 yrs. post-op, and the greatest compliment I receive now is that I look 20 years younger! And, I haven't even gotten rid of the turkey neck yet...soon, though! LOL
   — Leslie F.

February 9, 2003
Browsing through the Before & After pictures, I would absolutely say that most people look much younger afterwards.
   — Amy W.

February 9, 2003
I (Renee) am totally concerned about the wrinkles! Mainly, because at 37 - I don't have any. I'll share my skincare routine, which I learned from grandmother, who happened to have really excellent skin. This is old fashioned and you can spend mega $$ on fancy shmancy skin care products, but this works. Cleanse: with Pond's Cold Cream Tone: with Witch Hazel Moisturize: with ?? (put in good lotion of your choice) - currently I'm using Bath and Body works body cream btw - my younger sister lost about 70 lbs last spring through diet and excercise and she definitely looks older (but she doesn't use grandma's formula either :) Good luck!
   — jnc

February 9, 2003
In general I'm much younger in appearance since I no longer have that "matronly" look, but close up, my face now has wrinkles and I have a bit of a jowly thing going on. My fat did fill out my wrinkles (I'm also 41), but good skin products have helped to reduce their appearance, and I've also heard that your skin plumps up a bit after your weight has stabilized for awhile. If worse comes to worse, you could always save your pennies for a facelift, but even after losing 150 pounds I don't feel I need one... it's not THAT bad and I can deal w/ a few extra wrinkles :)
   — mom2jtx3

February 9, 2003
Karen, your genetics has to play a huge part in how we look after WLS. Naturally at first until your body (and tissues and muscles and all that other good stuff) gets used to itself, you might look a LITTLE worse for the wear. I was afraid I would look haggard with so much weight loss. I have had so many people tell me I look like I did in high school. hahahahaha That was 37 years ago. Think they MIGHT be exaggerating a little? ;) I know I look great and I feel great and I sure don't mind a wrinkle or two. I just didn't want that saggy below the eyes look. The hollow look. I use (have for a long time) moisturizers and skin firming (probably phoney balony) lotions. I have always worn makeup and that is moisturizing. My skin is important to me. Good luck. (Open RNY 10/30/02 -95 lbs)
   — Ginger M.

February 10, 2003
I'm in an interesting position, as I started to seriously put on weight in my early 20's, and I am not 50. So not only if my face way thinner, I'm 30 years older than the last time I weighed what I do now! I look like a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PERSON. It's hard to say how much is wls related and how much is just being 30 years older. Even being 50, I'll take this face any day.
   — scottiemaam O.

February 10, 2003
I'm 50, 5'2",starting weight 223 and had RnY 10/9/02. So far I've lost 50lbs and look 10 years younger.
   — Wanda R.

February 10, 2003
It's an optical illusion, if you will. A child's face is round and without cheekbones, jawline, etc. So when our faces are "filled out" with fat, we look more childlike, and therefore younger. My personal opinion (from the pictures I've seen) is we look "more our age" once we lose weight, as most of us while heavier had a more childlike look. It's's just something you have to get used to as your face changes. As the other poster said, I'll take this face above the other/chubby one any day, even with this little under-chin thing going on which drives me absolutely nuts to look at it! (saving my pennies for a necklift...I'll get it even before I get a TT) Hugs, Joy (age 49, down 97 lbs, 20 to goal...and presently STUCK on a plateau)
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 10, 2003
I've also been overweight almost my entire life and I'm almost 40 years old. I think genetics play a big part in whether your going to look wrinkled. Also, if your a sun worshipper that makes a huge difference as well. I'm very fair skinned and never really go out in the sun. Also, my mom has great skin at age 75 and has very few wrinkles. even after I've now lost 120 pounds, I still have maybe 2 wrinkles on my entire face. Now, my neck is a WHOLE different story. Work could DEFINATELY be done on it!!
   — Patty H.

February 10, 2003
Two thoughts here: (1) Some of us got obese by never looking down past our necks to begin with; and (2) We're all gonna look older with or without WLS, someday, if we're lucky. :)
   — Suzy C.

February 10, 2003
Hi, I guess it all about your genes, I started with a BMI of 42 and I'm also 40 years old and my friends are saying they don't believe how young I'm looking the puffiness in my face went away and I carry myself more erect and with a bounce in my step and these changes also count in how young or old you look, just don't worry I'm sure you'll look and feel great. Diane
   — Diane B.

February 10, 2003
i am 13 mos post op, 51 years old & have lost 120 lbs to date. i always looked much younger than i was. i still do. i believe its a combination of genetics & how u care for ur skin. i avoid sunlight like the plague. my father suffered from facial skin cancer. i NEVER wear make up because i am severly allergic to it, even the hypoallergenic ones. im glad for this allergy because i have never had makeup clogging up my pores. i have never suffered from acne either & i also attribute this to no makeup. i keep my face clean by using original noxema. i slather it on, let it soak in a bit & then i wipe it off with a very hot wrung out face cloth. after it is all removed i rinse the cloth well, wring it out & wipe my face with it once more. i use original jergins hand lotion as a face cream. my face was so round & fat i fully expected to look like a sharpei dog when i got where i am. i dont think u r shallow. we have this surgery to save our lives, whats wrong with looking good at the same time? can u consult with a dermatologist & tell him/her ur fears? maybe they can suggest a regimen of skin care for u to follow. good luck & god bless u.
   — sheryl titone

February 10, 2003
I think I looked MUCH older at about 1 yr postie. Like a deflated balloon. BUT they only had us taking 60g protein supp in those days. Today, by the time peope hit goal they look MUCH better than they did because they have 'em on way more protien supps. Not as good as they look 2 yrs posite, then 3, etc. I was 44 when I had surgery, no spring chicken, either. I'm 53 now, probably look a little younger in feature, but of course, *I* see every wrinkle and from several miles away. LOL!
   — vitalady

February 10, 2003
hi i would say you will look younger, i dont have the puffness in my face and you hold yourself better, i ran into a girl i was in pat with after 7 mos and she couldt belive how good i llo and she said also younger so i guess it just depends how you take care of yourself i use moistureizer twice a day and things like that. take care and good luck write if you would like

February 10, 2003
I think I look younger: True Incident: "Did you get a face lift? You look ten years younger", "NO, I lost 100 pounds", "Oh, there was pretty inside there"....okay this is where I wanted to slap her... I am 42 and look much better that I did 10-15 years ago!
   — ~~Stacie~~

February 12, 2003
Personally I think I look older and that MOST of us post ops look OLDER. So I disagree with most of the good people posting on this. (There always has to be someone who does- lol). ;)
   — Danmark

February 18, 2003
I have to say I look MUCH younger, and feel younger too. Comments fom friends, aquaintances also support my feeling. I keep hearing how I look younger. I also sleep so much better that I suspect that helps me look younger to be well rested and not have bags under my eyes all the time.
   — **willow**

February 18, 2003
I am 19 months postop and I look much younger than I did preop..I am almost 40 that is a pic of me..I get carded still! hehehe
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 11, 2003
Well, I can tell you I've been looking at all the before and after photos, and I think almost everyone looks about 10 years younger in their after pics. Here's hoping it works for me too!
   — Maria N.

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