How long did you take off from work for a TT. Office job.

   — Marie I. (posted on January 30, 2003)

January 30, 2003
I had a very extensive tummy tuck (anchor-shaped incision - cut up AND down) as well as a breast lift w/augmentation and hernia repair... I was off for 2 weeks and that was OK for me. My doctor said I could go back as soon as I was off pain meds and could drive myself. Your mileage may vary! But I found the discomfort from the breast lift to be MUCH worse than the tummy tuck part.
   — Lisa P.

January 30, 2003
I had a full abdominoplasty and a very large hernia repair that essentially re-built my entire abdominal wall. I was in bed for about a month, and back at work after 2 months. I wore my binder with compression foam for 2 months. At my return to work, I was really only good for about 3 hours. My plastic surgeon said my recovery was much longer than normal due to the massive amount of reconstruction they had to do. I was not completely out of daily pain for 6 months.
   — Cara F.

January 30, 2003
Oh my gosh, did you ask this question for me? I was just wondering the same thing. I need to plan for time off and was really unsure what to expect. Thanks for the help and Good Luck! Sincerely, Mary Beth
   — Beffy W.

January 30, 2003
I'm two weeks out today from a LBL (part of which was a tummy tuck) and mastopexy. I'm off the pain meds, back to work, and feeling great. So I would say 2 weeks and you should be fine. BTW if someone out there's from Pittsburgh and needs a PS, Dr. Simona Pautler ROCKS! :-)
   — mom2jtx3

January 30, 2003
I had a full tt/lipo. I had quit work the day before my surgery, but had I still had a job, I would have definately taken a month off!!! Because of the large amount of skin removed, and due to the fact that I had to keep the tubes in for four weeks, my recouperation was longer than some other's may have been.
   — twenc

January 30, 2003
I had a full "anchor" incision tummy tuck and an armlift surgery in November 2001, and was very comfortably back to a full-time office position in less than two weeks, with my four drains intact. The abdominal drains were painless, needed emptying a couple of times a day, and were just a nuisance trying to keep them discreetly pinned to my underwear so that they were not noticeable under my clothing :-) Everyone's tolerance to pain is different, but I thought that this surgery was the most "comfortable" surgery that I have ever had, including my lap RNY. With those large incisions, up and across, I was prepared for the worst, but was pleasantly surprised. I was up walking in the hall the night of my six-hour surgery, home the next day, and only took my pain pills for a few nights to help me sleep once I was home. My plastic surgeon doesn't use binders in his practice, and I was encouraged to get up and moving and go back to work when I felt like it. I found that I was more tired than usual, but not uncomfortable....had the option of working half-days, but ended up staying the full eight hours. I couldn't be happier with my results, and would say that next to my WLS, it was the best decisions I have ever made for myself. I wish you the same great experience. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

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