I would like to know how soon those of you who had a lap RNY got back to work?

I am trying to guestimate how long I will need to be out, my job requires a lot of prep to leave for any amount of time. Anyone who has had a lab RNY I would really appreciate your input. Thanks    — Sarah S. (posted on January 29, 2003)

January 29, 2003
I had my Lap RNY on a Wednesday, and went back to work the next week on Friday. I didn't DO anything, just sat there and answered the phone, and collected a paycheck. I didn't feel human again for about a month. If you have a job where you are making life altering decisions, I'd wait about 3 weeks. If you are like me, and just have to shuffle papers and answer the phone, 2 weeks might be enough. It depends. I didn't have ANY big complications either. Take your time, and don't rush back, or you'll be super tired when you are healing. That's no fun!
   — Diana L.

January 29, 2003
I had a LAP rny and went back to work in 10 days but I also had a hernia repair done at the same time. I felt up to going back after a week but the doctor thought it best to wait an extra day or so. I am a sales manager and sit at a desk all day, however. I wouldn't have been ready to go back if I was doing physical work. Good luck to you! - Mike
   — Michael N.

January 29, 2003
I am pre-op and also have a job that requires planning and timing to be right for time off. The doctor has told me to plan on 2-3 weeks before returning to work (office job), but that I'll be able to drive after 5 days. Remember to take into consideration that it is possible (ever so slightly) that instead of a lap that it could turn into an open procedure. My hope is that I'll be able to work from home half days when I get out of the hospital, full days within 10 days and return to work at 2 weeks. Diane
   — Diane S.

January 29, 2003
I had Lap and was ready to go back to work in a week (I am a System Analyst). I actually worked from home 1 week after surgery and then drove to work at the end of that week. The only reason that I didn't drive to work the week after surgery is because I had nearly an hour drive each way and I wanted to take it easy the first week (just in case). Good Luck on your surgery!
   — Beffy W.

January 30, 2003
I went back to work (nurse for insurance company) on post op day 12. The only requirement was that I could not be on pain medication if I drove. I didn't use any pain med after about the 5th day.
   — koogy

January 30, 2003
I had lap surgery on a Friday and went back to work Monday morning. I only missed 1 day of work. I didn't tell anybody I was having WLS and nobody could tell I didn't feel too whippy....I guess I was a great actress. I do have a desk job. Nothing physical is required of me.
   — lee J.

January 30, 2003
SARAH, I have a desk job and work at home, but I didnt go back for 4 weeks.Even with the Lap, I was really tired,nauseous a lot,and had diarrhea for the first 3 weeks.I wasnt on any pain meds,but it was also stressful just figuring out when to eat,take pills,and drink,and get exercise in.I dont think I could have went back at a week or two...
   — NANCY P.

January 30, 2003
I am a student and had to return to school 14 days postop. I only go to school 3 days a week and have already left early once and missed a whole day. It's mostly due to fatigue and some incision discomfort. I have occasional bouts of nausea but not much. It's mostly the tiredness that gets me. If I had a choice I would have stayed out at least 4 weeks.
   — susanje

January 30, 2003
Hi Sara: I had the lap RNY 11/5/02. I have a desk job, but was in too much pain to go back any sooner than 4 weeks. The Monday of the 5th week all of a sudden I realized that the pain was gone. Yeah! The other thing that was difficult for me was watching the clock and making sure I drank my 4oz of protien, liquids, or meals every half hour. I'm glad I didn't have to go back until I could be completely on regular food and eating the four to six meals a day.
   — Laurie C.

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