I'm considering a tummy tuck & leg tuck - anyone else gone through this?

I called a plastic surgeon today and made an appointment for a consultation for a tummy tuck and for removal of excess skin in both my legs. Has anyone had the tummy and legs done? I'd like to know what to expect. THANKS!    — dolphins94 (posted on January 21, 2003)

January 21, 2003
Been there, done that. Check out my profile for the whole story. Also, there is oodles of info in the AMOS library. I am very happy with the outcome. Good Luck!
   — merri B.

January 21, 2003
If you go to this web address and then page 10 you can read and see pictures of the tummy tuck and the excess skin removel on both legs. It's a really good read. best of luck!!
   — Jennifer S.

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