Anyone notice a difference in facial hair after wls and weightloss.

Will it go away?    — armonce G. (posted on December 26, 2002)

December 26, 2002
Yes! To my horror, I have developed not only the scraggly beard, but most recently a moustach that could rival Tom Selleck's! What's up with that?!? I mean, I may finally get the body, and now I have to contend with hair growth that I need a weed whacker to control...arragh! Does it ever end?
   — rebeccamayhew

December 26, 2002
Don't think me of stupid, but I carry tweezers with me. My chin hairs seem to grow so fast. My husband thinks I'm nuts! I was just in the bathroom at work and saw some hairs and went back to my desk to get my tweezers and pull them. I think that if I can see them so can anyone else!
   — dolphins94

December 26, 2002
Almost 14 months post-op and my facial hair troubles are the same as before WLS. I have 3 stubborn 'whiskers'-> ew I hate that word when referring to myself! I have always had dark thin hair above the lip that I bleach too. It is a hormonal thing. Sometimes I can't see them in the lighting at home, then get in the car and see them in the rearview or vanity mirror. I always try to keep a close eye on them because I am pretty paranoid. I was hoping that they would go away after getting to goal, but unfortunately they haven't.
   — Cheri M.

December 26, 2002
I noticed that alot of my "body woes" have dissapeared- from rashes, ingrown hairs, facial hair, stray wandering hairs....all have lessened to the point of being non exsistant- I used to have to bleach or remove my "mustache" at least once a month- I think I have removed it once in 9 months now!
   — ~~Stacie~~

December 26, 2002
Hi, I also have a problem with icky facial hair, and I also use the emjoi facial shaver thingie. I just got it for christmas and it works really well! You can look on, and they have it on sale for like $29.00!
   — fropunka

December 26, 2002
I was doing electrolysis this year but due to money woes I stopped going. As soon as I can afford it, I'll be back but I hear that your hair growth changes after WLS so I'll wait and see what happens. I would love to go back soon. Some people find it painful but I am one that does not so I miss it a lot.
   — susanje

December 26, 2002
I was doing electrolysis this year but due to money woes I stopped going. As soon as I can afford it, I'll be back but I hear that your hair growth changes after WLS so I'll wait and see what happens. I would love to go back soon. Some people find it painful but I am one that does not so I miss it a lot.
   — susanje

December 26, 2002
If your facial hair growth is driven by PCOS and Hirsutism there is a good chance it will improve as the hormones in your body balance out. I also have heavy hair growth on my chin and upper lip, but the chin and neck are the worst to deal with. This is a known side effect of PCOS. I do not expect the hair on my arms and legs to change as that I believe is mostly related to genetics - hairy German/Swiss that we are. If all I'm left to worry about in the future is facial hair I will be thrilled!!
   — zoedogcbr

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