Inscision Has Changed

My incision looked really good til two days ago now there is a big place that looks like it is a blister when I bend my belly it puffs up and looks like their is fluid under it and is hard under it has anyone had this? What could it be? Should I call the doctor? Thanks for any help. Oh I see the doctor next Tuesday. Alicia    — Alicia K. (posted on December 4, 2002)

December 3, 2002
Hi there. I don't really know what is going on with your incision, but it never hurts to get the doc's advice. I think you should call before next Tuesday. It could be a thing called a seroma which is just a small collection of fluid under the skin......draining from the incision site. Usually they like to drain this (doesn't hurt), or if it is small it will just reabsorb into your body. But hey, call the Dr and ask. Peace of mind is a wonderful thing. Katie.
   — Katie E.

December 4, 2002
I had a seroma, which sounds like what you might have. I went the my doctor and he drained it for me (didn't hurt at all) and then it drained for about a week - no trouble since. Don't wait too long - mine kept getting bigger and more sore. Mine was right where the waistline of my slacks would rub. Call your doctor.
   — Sharon O.

December 4, 2002
I had the same thing at 2 mos postop. My surgeon told me to let it go and it would take care of itself. It did. You no longer can see it. But I would also say to have your doc look at it.
   — Karla K.

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