Can a brand new PCP give medical clearance?

I just changed PCPs. My surgeon asks for a letter from my PCP for medical clearance for surgery? Is this something a brand new PCP can do?    — marlene O. (posted on November 27, 2002)

November 26, 2002
I had to change my PCP after my last visit because she was leaving the practice. Therefore, when I went in to see my new PCP to get the referral, the PCP was someone I had never seen before. However, after having some conversation with her, she submitted the referral request to my insurance company and withing a 1 business day, the referral was approved and sent to the surgeons office.
   — Lisa R.

November 26, 2002
I had to get clearance from my PCP too. It's just part of the process and nothing to be concerned about. They do this stuff all the time! Good luck!
   — Colleen S.

November 27, 2002
I didn't have a PCP prior to surgery so when I saw my surgeon he told me I had to go see one for clearance. I got a refferal from his office and saw my new PCP that day. He talked with me for over an hour and then said he would submit my letter of clearance. Other than me telling him my medical history, he requested copies of all the tests my surgeon had just run on me and copies of records from my specialists. My surgeon had the letter within a week. Good luck!
   — salymsmommy

November 27, 2002
Dont worry at all about it,I dont think it will affect you bad in any way.But one thing I do advise is you get the records or note from the doctor,Dont just let him send it his self.If they wont give it to you to see dont give them the name or address of your sergion.Just go to another doctor untill you find a good one.If the insurance company askes you why this is the first time to that doctor just tell them you were always to embaressed to go to the doctor cause of your weight. Or somthing close to that.Good luck with everything..........
   — nicole K.

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