Does your skin really shrink?

I was just wondering how much your skin shrinks. Do most people have tummy tucks or will it shink enough on its own. Also what specific things can you do to help with your skin shrinking back into normal shape? And what about breasts? Do a lot of you get lifts or do those also go back to normal over time? I'm 23 just kind of wondering if there was anything that I could do after my surgery to help with this. Thanks Carrie    — Carrie E. (posted on November 23, 2002)

November 22, 2002
Depends on a lot of things. You are young and that is in your favor. Younger people tend to have more elastic in their skin. It depends also on how large you are. Your skin will only go so far. You have a real good chance of toaning up as you go. Not everyone has to have a TT.
   — Pam G.

November 22, 2002
Hello. My surgeon said because I was young I would probably not need any plastic surgery. WRONG. I was 22 when I had surgery, just 23 now...and I'm like a deflated elephant. My thighs almost overlap themselves from the loose skin and I feel as though when I walk my whole body jiggles like jello. NASTY. And I exercised AND did lotion.
   — Paula Prichard

November 23, 2002
I am six months post op and below goal. I don't have any problems with hanging skin. I don't need a TT, my skin seems to have gone right back to the way it should be, and my breasts are pretty much where they should be too. I wouldn't expect them to be perfect after breastfeeding four kids. I take lean mass stimulators to prevent the sagging skin, so far it has worked great for me. Real Meals contains the lean mass stimulators, plus all of your protein and vitamins.
   — Linda A.

November 23, 2002
I am 51 and I have lost over a hundred pounds, about 30 left to go. I take the Real Meals too. My stomach is a little on the loose side, but nothing like the other people I have seen in my support group.
   — Gary N.

November 23, 2002
You are young and probably have a great deal of elasticity in your skin,so you will probably have good results. Age and number of times you have lost definitely play into what happens. I was a big time yo yo dieter my entire life. My skin always went back, every time, even right up to the last time I lost major pounds at age 35 (I went from 305 pounds to 200 - no loose skin at all). Well, I guess I pushed my skin to it's limit this time around. I got up to 340 at my highest pre-op. Today, a year plus since surgery, age 43, I weigh in the 150s and my skin is the same as when I weighed 340. I have firm,lean muscles under skin that flaps around like it isn't even mine. There is nothing that could tone this. I never even thought that I would be one of the ones who would need plastic surgery, but I do. Now I have another heart wrenching decision and a whole new set of fears about surgery. Bat wings, belly, butt, upper thighs, even my ankles have loose skin. I am going to do it, though. I didn't loose close to 200 pounds to continue to cover myself from head to toe with clothes. I am rambling.... your skin will probably bounce back. Bascially what I am saying is that I really support others that choose to have this surgery before they stretch their skin beyond repair and develop numerous co-morbs.
   — Julie S.

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