I ate alot

I am 9 days post op and have been hungry from the very begining. yesterday I was feeeding th children pasta and ate over a cup of it . I did not feel full or get sick or nothing. what is wrong. I also had no pain after surgery and was sleeping on my stomach the second day is that normal    — Amy P. (posted on October 14, 2002)

October 14, 2002
What kind of surgery did you have. I can't imagine being able to have a cup of pasta at nine days.
   — faybay

October 14, 2002
Your surgery page says you had LAP RNY. At that stage I was doing well to get down the protein I was supposed to and the liquids I was supposed to. No way would I have tried anything solid at that point. I can't imagine trying pasta. I think I tried pasta at 3-4 weeks post-op and it felt like "brick bats" in my stomach--and I had overcooked it so it would be soft. I seldom still get hungry, but I do know that it's "protein first" and if I stick to that, I don't suffer with any hunger. The nurse educator who works with my surgeon's office said if I stick to the eating rule of protein first, veggies and fruit second, and ONLY if you have room, carbs. She said that is the way to keep hunger under control. I did sleep on my stomach the first week out of the hospital, but I would mentioned the ability to eat the pasta to your surgeon. The would worry me.
   — Cathy S.

October 14, 2002
Hello...fellow Texan!...congrats on making it to the losing side. At less than 2 weeks post op I was eating some chicken nuggests and I freaked out that I was able to do that. I am 8 months post op and let me tell you there will always be days when u can eat more of something and then days when you can barely keep down a couple of ounces w/out feeling full. I think that sometimes our pouches are swollen a bit right after about 4 weeks post op I felt like my pouch was much more restrictive. The key is to try to focus on limiting yourself to what you know you should be eating because in the long run you will eventually have to practive good eating habits. I now have to use self control to make healthy eating choices...limit my carbs and try not to graze too much. I hope what I am saying will help you. Best of Luck to you.
   — SARose61

October 14, 2002
I agree, I can't imagine eating a cup of anything at 9 days. I was still too sick (throwing up after eating anything) at that point to eat 1 oz, must less a cup. I know we are all different, but I'd check with my surgeon. Also, did you have lap or open surgery? I had open and I was not able to sleep on my tummmy for about 2 weeks.
   — Lynda T.

October 14, 2002
Hi Amy, I am 18 days post op and today is the first day I've felt like eating much of any thing. My Drs orders were anything that I can get the consistancy of baby foodfor 6 weeks. I thought I'd ate alot but I realized when I sat down and figured it our I have only had a cup total for the day and its 3P.M. Maybe you didn't eat quite as much as you thought. Or maybe you drank with it and rinsed it thru your pouch to soon? Hang in there so far its a learn as I go experence,
   — Brenda T.

October 14, 2002
A cup of pasta 9 days out is not a good are still healing your pouch, you could disrupt your new stomach, block it, etc. Also, pasta is very, very heavy and expands once in the pouch (my surgeone told me this) which could stretch your pouch...I limit my pasta intake to a once in a while thing. Pasta is high in startch and calories...also at 9 days I couldn't even dream of eating most foods, I was still on softs, and liquids..a cup is a lot even still for me at 3 months out..just learn from your mistake and dust yourself off and not do it again. You didn't go through all of this to sabotage yourself so early of luck to you.
   — Trish R.

October 14, 2002
You should be following your doctor's instructions. At 9 days post-op I doubt pasta is on the list. Pasta is CARBS. Carbs cause cravings for more carbs - which in excess cause you to GAIN weight. Even having a RNY you can gain weight. Don't sabotage yourself - especially this early.
   — Marianne K.

October 15, 2002
Hi Amy: I was extremely hungry at 9 days, because I was still on the liquid diet. I know you said you ate a cup of pasta, but maybe your calculations were off. Did you measure, or did it just feel like a cup. Are you permitted a soft diet at this point, or are you still on liquids? I know it is so difficult to know what to eat at this point. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

October 15, 2002
Amy someone posted on here not to long ago that you stomach is kind of asleep after this surgery and it may not be able to give you the indication of full yet much less hungry although I am a person that feels the hunger with a vengance. Anyway just cause you can eat a cup of anything doesnt mean you should it could be causing you damage and you may not know it yet because you stomach is still healing and cannot not tell you yet. You know when you have a surgery and the incision feels numb in a way well your stomach is probably feeling the same way. Let common sense and your Dr's orders tell you what to eat right now and don't rely on your physical feelings because in the healing process they may just not be there. Good Luck Peggy open rny 9/20 -30#'s
   — Peggy A.

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