I was wondering if it is okay to have sex the day before surgery?

Also can you how long in general before I can have sex after surgery. Oh I am having open if that means anything.    — Ashley L. (posted on October 8, 2002)

October 8, 2002
I say "Get it while ya can :)" Post op , we waited about 10 days and then were just very careful- I had open RNY also
   — ~~Stacie~~

October 8, 2002
I am pretty sure your surgeon will say "nothing by mouth" at least 8 hours before surgery- and hopefully you use birth control.
   — charlene M.

October 8, 2002
Charlene! LOL! Did you mean what it sounded like you meant??!!
   — Rebecca T.

October 8, 2002
"Nothing by mouth!" What a hoot! You can have sex the day of surgery if you want, hon. It has nothing to do with your procedure. However, I waited 4 weeks for my abdominal muscles to knit together before I attempted having an orgasm. We should all be so lucky as to have this as a concern...Good Luck to you!
   — merri B.

October 8, 2002
I tried to ask this before, but the moderators wouldn't let it through so I'll try it here. After surgery, is it OK "by mouth" - I mean will swallowing hurt us? Can we dump on that? If you don't want to answer here, the email in my profile is active and I do check it. I think this is a legitimate concern and the moderators shouldn't have censored it.
   — Anon E.

October 9, 2002
Anon Emus, LOL! If I remember right, in Carnie Wilson's book, she asks the doctor the very same question. He said it would be fine.
   — Kim B.

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