Do you need your trunk lifted too?

I'm still debating between RNY and a Gastric Band. I'm wondering, since weight loss is slower with the gastric band, if those with bands are as likely to need belly lifts as those with RNY's or not. If any one has advice as to how to give skin more elasticity and avoiding further surgery, I'd like to hear that too. Gosh - there's so much to consider!    — Carol K. (posted on October 6, 2002)

October 6, 2002
I had lap rny. I thought about the band but I knew the success rates are higher with the rny. Also, there is a lot more follow up with the band. I don't have any hanging skin and I am down 92 pounds. My belly is a little squishy but I don't think it is that much more than anyone else who had four kids. Check out my profile
   — Linda A.

October 6, 2002
Carol, I don't think the type of procedure makes a difference. How much you lose, your age, previous surgeries, genetics, etc determine your skin's elasticity. You really won't know until you lose the weight.
   — LLinderman

October 6, 2002
I've heard about too many people that had gastric bands gaining their weight back + they also throw up a lot even after they gained their weight back due to the band. I was a sweet-o-holic and that's one reason I got the RNY is because I would get the dumping syndrom if I ate too much sugar. I'm sure if anyone who loses a lot of weight would need a lift no matter how they lost weight. Good luck on your decision.
   — Betty Todd

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