If I was turned do because of a abdomial hernia for WLS. Can't they fix my

fibroid and do the WLS too. Last time I went to my GYN he said my test shows it is big as a grapefruit. But don't want to op because of my weight. and to let him know if it bothers me. I was given shots to try to shrink it. but it didn't do nothing. he said at 47 im near menopase and that will shrink it whenever that come. hummmmmmmmmm.    — Naes Wls J. (posted on October 4, 2002)

October 4, 2002
Find a different surgeon. Some surgeons take ONLY the easy cases. Others do the harder ones like my surgeon who does super morbidss LAP, along with having had multiple previous belly surgeries, and revisions. You need a surgeon wh SPECIALIZES n th toughr cases. Its time to shop around and dont get discouraged.
   — bob-haller

October 4, 2002
I have a hernia in my abdomen as a result of a c-section I had a year and a half ago, and it is grapefruit sized. I was concerned that it might be a problem, so I consulted my surgeon. She examined it, and said that she would like to go ahead with the wls. She said she would start the wls, and if my abdominal wall or part of my bowel was stuck in the hernia sight she would extend the incision through my belly button and repair the hernia, then continue with the wls. She said if this happened she would probably still have to come back later and work on the hernia, because the repair wouldn't be likely to hold. If the hernia was not painful to me and caused no problems during the wls procedure, she would leave the hernia alone and treat it when I started having problems from it, or when I had lost a significant amount of weight, which ever came first. The bottom line is that even if you have a hernia repair done prior to wls, the problem will probably come back in the future. The failure rate of hernia repairs on obese patients is sky high. I agree with Bob. A competent and skilled surgeon will look at the weight loss as a priority, and not shy away from doing your surgery just because of the hernia. BTW - My hernia did not need immediate attention, and I had an open RNY (with a small incision) on 07-08-02. I have lost over 65lbs to date, and I am hoping that I can hold off and have my hernia repair along with a tummy tuck when I am close to goal...We'll see!
   — Jenny S.

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