I had a abdominal hernia repair about 6 yrs ago. Now i want this op done. why is it a

problem now. I was told I might not be able to get WLS. I was sent to where the hernia surgery was done to get a note saying if it is operable. This is with one surgen. The second surgen I called didn't say nothing about this. And I had told them the same info. I pray this won't stop me from getting this op.    — Naes Wls J. (posted on October 3, 2002)

October 3, 2002
Hey, I had a incisional hernia repair just 5 months before my surgery, my WLS surgeon had no problem with this. However, it does matter how they repaired it. THey had to use a mesh (netting material) to repair my hernia because it was so large, hernia came from C-section I had 11 months prior. Anyway, they may need to know exactly where the repair is and what they did to repair it. Could also be scarring that might be in the way. Good luck... Gwen
   — Gwendalyn W.

October 4, 2002
I don't know if this addresses your question but I had an undiagnosed umbilical hernia that the doctor spotted while I was on the table. He simply repaired it for me while he was "in the area" and there were no complications other than the surgery took a bit longer because of the repair. It was never an issue.
   — Michael N.

October 4, 2002
Anytime you have abdominal surgery there is a chance there will be adhesions left in your abdomen. If there are too many adhesions, the surgeon may be unable to perform surgery.
   — Ellen M.

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