How do they do their X-rays etc on over weight people?

I was always turned down for some x-rays because I was so large. so for this kind of surgery how do they take the xrays?    — Naes Wls J. (posted on October 4, 2002)

October 3, 2002
what they did for me was had me stand up against this board and they took the x-ray like that...rather than lying down.
   — Christie N.

October 4, 2002
Although I can't answer your question, the title sure got my attention!!! LOL! I hope you're having a great day. Shelley
   — Shelley.

October 4, 2002
All I had for my Lap RNY was a chest X-Ray. I stood by a board and they took a frontal and lateral view. No problems. The only radiology discrimination I've ever heard about was for MRIs. Not many areas can do one on anyone who is over 300 lbs and greater than 60 inches around the hips. Wondering what they've turned you down for?????
   — Cathy S.

October 4, 2002
Hello Cathy S. I have not start the testes yet for any WLS. I was wondering because the last time I needed my neck x-ray I guess with the mri machine. They said I was to large. and another time I had to get a test. this machine stands you up and something rotate around you. They wouldn't do it because they said I might brake the machine. I was so embarrased.They even had me sit there while they called the comany to see what the capasity (sp) of the machine was. Well they said 350 and I was alittle more than that. Since ther is all kind of size people why don't they make machines large enough for everyone. Now if a doc tell me to get a test I ask them will my weight be a problem with the machine.I've had gallbadder op & abdomial hernia op. but all test I can't do.
   — Naes Wls J.

October 5, 2002
just wanted to let you know, I have an appointment next week for my pre-op xrays. They will be doing an Ultrasound of the abdomen, a chest xray, and a upper G.I., so there shouldn't be anything to worry for getting these things done. (with the exception of them having difficulty seeing some organs through all of my fat with the ultrasound) ;)
   — Tammy O.

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