At 17 months postop lap could lifting 50 lbs do any damage?

Silly question, but I need a little reinforcement that I couldn't have possibly pulled or ripped anything. My RNY was without any problems and I really am doing good, maybe an occasional dumping episode when I eat or combine something I shouldn't. So what I am asking is could I have possible hurt anything to do with the surgery by picking up 50lbs. of flour. Ouch, it was very heavy and a stupid thing to do, not a young chick, am 54years old and need to be sensible about things. Thank you for your comments.    — Evelyn E. (posted on September 26, 2002)

September 26, 2002
I don't think you could hurt anything except perhaps your back if you didn't use proper body mechanics. I'm 53, 14 months post-op open RNY and frequently lift 50# bags of birdseed, dog food, and corn without any problems.
   — LLinderman

September 27, 2002
No relax... My surgeon release LAP patients to lift anything a month post op. I routinely lift stuff over a 100 pounds. So surgery wise your fine. You could hurt your back or pull a muscle. But just think, you know how heavy that was to pick up? You carried more than that weight around with you 24/7... Enjoy that thought!
   — bob-haller

September 27, 2002
I doubt it would hurt, At 6 months post op I started at a job where I lift 50 lbs or more throughout the day and I have had no problems. I hope you are Ok!
   — Lynda T.

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