
I am 8 weeks out from open RNY. I was starving to death for the first two weeks and thought I would die from being so hungry. For the last 6 weeks though, I have to force myself to eat. I like the food, and it tastes good when I do eat it...but I am honestly NOT hungry! I know everyone says that hunger will eventually return and enjoy this phase, but I am so afraid that my body will think it is starving itself and stop losing. I have lost pretty good so far I think, but afraid I am going to mess this up. Here is what a day looks like for me: Breakfast: 1/2 yogurt. Lunch: 1/2 cup of chicken vegetable soup. Dinner: 1/2 cup refried beans w/melted cheese. Sometimes I will have a snack of one string cheese or a couple of pistasios (5-6) or something. I am getting all my water in. It keeps me full for a long time. I cant tolerate ANY protein supplements. They make me extrememly sick. SO, I know I am not getting too much protein. My surgeon said he made my pouch 1 ounce in size. So, am I eating enough? Or should have it stretched a little by now. I figure I am getting around 300-500 calories a day. I honestly don't like to eat when I don't feel hungry, so it is hard to force myself. Any suggestions?    — Shawnie S. (posted on September 16, 2002)

September 16, 2002
I am one of the weird ones I think as I still do not ever feel hungry at 15 months post-op! Like you, early on I ate just to eat. Now as time has gone on, I do eat more than I did at your stage, but it is usually because it is time and I am feeding the old family. Maybe the protein you are drinking iso ut of soy or one of the gritty ones? I particularly like the American Sports Nutrition Chocolate from GNC that I mix with water in a shaker cup only. It is better to mix them with water overall as that is the key to not having lumpy, time-consuming shakes in a blender I think. Another great one is the ProBlend 55 Chocolate or other flavors and you can get these at some vitamin stores or (she'll also let you buy samples before buying a whole can, very wise!). I still supplement with protein at least 1-2 times per day. At your stage the thought of food was nasty and even smelled yukky to me and it still does at times. If I am at a restaurant with the family and I have finished my little bit, sometimes I get kind of sickly looking at the rest of the food. Keep trying more protein because it doesn't appear as if you are getting enough in right now, but I am sure you will as time goes on. Are you feeling good, strong? I hope so!I am pleased with my weight and am hoping for about another 10 pounds as I have lost from 266 to 150. Best Wishes!
   — Molly S.

September 16, 2002
My surgeon and nutritionist recommend 5-6 small meals a day. You are doing 3 and "sometimes" a snack. Try to make it 2 or 3 snacks (or small meals) and make protein the focus of each snack or meal. You will find that you don't need to eat so much at each individual meal and you can divvy up that 60g of protein amongst 6 meals. <p> Maybe instead of soup, you can have 2.5 oz of chicken breast meat (no skin). It's only 82 calories, 2g of fat, 0g of carbs and 15g of protein. A 1/2 cup of chicken vegetable soup is only 75 calories, 3g of fat, 9g of carbs and 3.6g of protein. If it's one of the commercial brands like Campbell's, it's probably chock-full of sodium too. <p> Right now, to get the protein in, you are going to have to eat when you aren't hungry - because at 8 weeks out the hunger hasn't returned (as you have found out). Set yourself a schedule where you can eat something every 2-3 hours during your waking hours - that should get in 6 meals...JR (open RNY 07/17 -74 lbs)
   — John Rushton

September 16, 2002
Your not eating enough. Your metabolism may shut down and then it will be hard to lose.
   — Danmark

September 16, 2002
It sounds like you're not eating enough. I'm never physically hungry either, but I know I must eat 70-80 grams of protein a day to keep myself healthy and my blood levels within normal range. What does your surgeon advise?? He/she should be counseling you on this!
   — JoanneML

September 16, 2002
Your body is going to go into starvation mode and will eventually stop losing weight. You definitely need to get more calories and protein into your diet. You said that you can't stomach the protein drinks, but how about SF Carnation Instant Breakfast? I mix one of those with 8oz skim milk, and 1/3 cup non fat milk powder. It isn't thick or chalky and gives you 20 grams of protein! If you can't stand the taste of that just consider exchanging some of your liquids during the day with skim milk. It is low in calorie and has 8g protein per 8oz serving. Good Luck!!
   — Jean T.

September 16, 2002
Hi, I'm 3 1/2 months post-op. I'm not a very good eater at all, I'm never hungry and eatting makes me sick. My daily intake looks just slightly less then yours. I don't do protein shakes at all, they make me sick too. I also can't do carnation breakfast, I'm highly lactose intolerant since my Lap. RNY. My concerns have been the same as yours but so far I haven't stopped losing (cross my fingers) I'm down 75 lbs. (started at 287). My pouch is very small as well, my meals are 1/4-1/2 cup in size 2 x a day. Just remember because we aren't drinking the protein drinks it's very important to look for it in our foods. Not everybody can follow the guide to a T. It doesn't work the same for everybody. Keep trying the Protein drinks every once in a while, maybe at some point they won't taste so bad (ya right). Good Luck!!! We'll do just fine!!!!!!! Tambi
   — Tambi B.

September 17, 2002
I spoke to my surgeon's medical assistant last night at a support meeting asking the same thing. She said top priority is ALL of the protein (55-70grams) and ALL of the water. She told me to limit carbs to the bare minimum. String cheese, yogurt, fish (baked Tilapia is a white fish that is not very fishy tasting), shrimp, salmon, and skim milk are all excellent sources of Protein. I wouldn't eat the chicken soup--the broth will fill you up too quickly. Concentrate on protein only. If you can't take the powders, then you need to make it up in seafood and chicken if at all possible. Are you losing weight?
   — Kay S.

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